American flags are posted at the memorial for fallen soldiers at Memorial Park Cemetery in north Oklahoma City. The Boy Scouts who normally post the flags for Memorial Day weekend could not help this year, so staff of the cemetery honored military veterans by placing the flags. [photos by Doug Hoke/The Oklahoman]
Despite limitations imposed by the coronavirus pandemic, many Oklahomans still managed to mark Memorial Day over the weekend. At Memorial Park Cemetery, staff placed flags to honor military veterans. The duty traditionally is handled by Boy Scouts, but the group was unable to perform the task this year. Memorial Day, formerly known as Decoration Day, is a federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May to honor and mourn the military personnel who died serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.
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American flags are posted at the memorial for fallen soldiers at Memorial Park Cemetery in north Oklahoma City. The Boy Scouts who normally post the flags for Memorial Day weekend could not help this year, so staff of the cemetery honored military veterans by placing the flags. [photos by Doug Hoke/The Oklahoman]Sylvia Schneider, office manager for Memorial Park Cemetery, places American flags at the grave of famed pilot Wiley Post, who was buried there after he died in a plane crash in 1935 along with his friend Will Rogers.BELOW: American flags are posted along a road at Memorial Park Cemetery.American flags are posted at Memorial Park Cemetery in Oklahoma City.