Mum creates mini masks for tooth fairy after daughter asks about protecting her
by Laura AbernethyThroughout the pandemic, seven-year-old Evolette Westhouse has watched her mum Kayla making masks for key workers.
So when she lost a tooth, she asked her mum to make a special small one to protect the tooth fairy.
Kayla, from Michigan, U.S., tried to tell her daughter that the tooth fairy couldn’t get coronavirus but Evolette was still worried.
Posting on Facebook, she said: ‘This pandemic season has been filled with moments of “whep, never thought I would be doing this…”
‘Newly added to the list is my 7 year old losing a tooth and immediately asking me to make a mask for the tooth fairy. While I tried to explain the tooth fairy can’t get coronavirus, Evolette followed up with “how do you know?” And “let’s be safe, if she doesn’t need it she will just leave it behind and let us know in a note.”

‘She also made fair points like..
‘- She has to enter my 6ft bubble to get the tooth from under my pillow
‘- This tooth has been in my mouth, where all the germs are
‘- What if she comes to my house, and then goes to another kids house? Then that kid has MY germs too.

‘- What else do you have to do tonight…’
So Kayla sat at her sewing machine and made her 178th mask.
The tiny piece of material had pleats and little ear loops to make sure it stays tight.

Jacinda Ardern did say that the tooth fairy (and the easter bunny) are essential workers after all.
Evolette wrote the tooth fairy a letter telling her that her tooth broke, it’s under her pillow and that her mum had made the fairy a mask.
She asked if she could have a present for her dad because it was his birthday.

In return, she got a letter from the tooth fairy.
It said: ‘Dear Evolette,
‘Thank you fo much for the mask. You are such a considerate young lady. I am so happy to be able to help not spread germs as I go from place to palce.

‘I want to wish you a happy day, and say thank you to your mum for making my mask. She seems like the best mum ever. Be sure to tell her that as often as you can.
‘ Love, T.F.’
The post soon went viral with over 11,000 likes and Kayla made a small edit to tell everyone not to worry about Evolette’s request for a present for her dad.
She said: ‘Small edit since everyone is very concerned about Dad, he was the one who “helped” the tooth fairy write this letter, so I think he is ok not getting a shout out. The tooth fairy also left a dollar under his pillow for his birthday…so.’