Mum, 35, told she has terminal cancer after mowing lawn left her in agony
by Lisa Hutchinson, https://www.facebook.com/LisaHutchinson68/A 35-year-old mum has been left heartbroken after being told she has terminal cancer.
Stacey Pentland thought she had decades ahead of her, but her world fell apart after receiving the devastating news.
The fit and healthy mum-of four says she is now taking each day as though it were her last as she comes to terms with the diagnosis.
Stacey said she had not even suffered any pain until just a few hours before she was diagnosed.
She is recording her emotional journey on her Facebook page to make sure her family and friends can see her staying strong.
Stacey said: “The hardest part is watching my kids and my family grieve," Chronicle Live, as she choked back tears.

“I’m so thankful of life. I can accept it for me but the idea of not being there for my kids is heartbreaking.”
Stacey had been mowing the lawn when she got a pain in her back.
She went to bed but got up during the early hours in agony. After calling 101 an ambulance took her to Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary where she received the most devastating news.
“I had been cutting the grass and I thought I had a trapped nerve. When I got to the hospital they first thought it was my gallbladder. T
"The pain was excruciating and they gave me tests and sent me for an MRI scan,” said Stacey, of Walker, Newcastle.

“Within 25 minutes of getting the scan they said I had cancer of the rectum that had spread throughout my body.
“I was transferred to the Freeman Hospital and I rang my friend who has also been through cancer and she helped me tell my family.
“I saw one doctor after another. I have cancer in my rectum, stomach, liver, lungs, lymph nodes, just all over.
“My pain is being controlled but I’m still alive. I’m 35 years old, I have four beautiful children and an amazing family and as you can imagine we are devastated.
“I had no symptoms, I live a healthy lifestyle, in fact I was the fittest I’ve ever been. I was so content with life but the devastation has ripped through all of us.
“And not being able to have them with me when I got that news was a pain I can’t even begin to explain.”

Stacey is staying strong for her children; Chloe, 19, Sophie, 17, Geordie, 13 and 11-year-old AJ (Anthony Junior).
She is getting support from her family and her children’s dad Anthony.
“I just didn’t think this would happen to me, you don’t at my age. The kids are my world, I live and breath them. They are amazing, I’ve never had any trouble from them, they are polite, well mannered and kind.
"The hardest thing is knowing I won’t be there for them when they are growing up. I won’t see them get married or have children, it is devastating.”
Stacey was diagnosed on April 26 and was told her cancer was terminal. She has since been told the cancer in her lungs and liver is spreading and is aggressive.
And on May 29 Stacey starts chemotherapy as she battles to prolong her life.
She added: “I was told if the chemo doesn’t work I have around six months to live but if it does I could get another 36 months.
“I want to spend as much time as possible with my kids, I’m not ready to leave them yet.”
Stacey has been writing letters to her daughters and sons for when she isn’t there for them.
“I have been writing cards and letters for them to open on special occasions throughout their lives.
"I have left them messages for when they get married, have children and I’ve left them instructions for when they are growing up.
"I don’t want them to be bitter or angry, I want them to know it’s okay and I’ve had a good life. But it’s so heartbreaking knowing I won’t be there for them.”
Stacey is so thankful to the NHS staff who are helping her and has set up a crowdfunding page to raise money for them.
She added: “I was so lucky to have the staff at the Freeman Hospital with me. They showed me so much kindness, so much love and compassion, I can’t begin to thank them enough, no words could come close to how absolutely amazing they are.
"They are so dedicated to their jobs, it’s absolutely beautiful.
“They have become a part of our hearts and the hospital itself is absolutely immaculately clean.
“I have decided to raise money to go to the Freeman’s funds to thank them for giving me so much strength and determination to fight for as long as I possible can.”
Anyone wanting to donate can visit Stacey’s GoFundMe page here.