Bihar 10th board result expected after Eid Holidays; still no official date
As per various reports, the evaluation process for the 10th board exam has been completed and the result can be expected in the next few days.
by Scroll StaffBihar 10th board examination result is expected to be declared in the next few days, according to various reports; however, no confirmed dates has been revealed yet by the Board of School Examination of Bihar (BSEB).
Once the result is declared, it can be accessed at the official website biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in or bsebbihar.com and onlinebseb.in. The result will also be available on some third-party websites.
Reports are suggesting that the evaluation process for the 10th board examination has been completed. The result was initially speculated to be released on May 20 and then on May 22; however, the board has released no updates regarding the same.
NDTV is now reporting that the result can be expected after Eid holidays. NDTV adds that the result can be expected in the next one or two days.
Over 15 lakh students are eagerly waiting for the result to be declared. These students had appeared for the exam in the month of February. The evaluation process for class 10th exam answer sheet had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resultant lockdown.
The board had declared the 12th board exam result on March 24th and students have managed to score the pass percentage of 80.44%. The mark sheet for both the classes will be released in the month of August.