Australiens «dreckigstes» Braunkohlekraftwerk gehört der Vergangenheit an. Das 1964 in Betrieb genommene Kraftwerk Hazelwood Power Station, dessen acht Schornsteine 137 Meter hoch im Latrobe Tal rund 160 Kilometer östlich von Melbourne aufragten, wurde am Montag abgerissen.
Es soll für drei Prozent des Treibhausgas-Ausstosses von ganz Australien verantwortlich gewesen sein. Das zum französischen Energiekonzern Engie gehörende Kraftwerk mit rund 750 Mitarbeitern hatte zu 5.4 Prozent zur Stromversorgung Australiens beigetragen. Es war im März 2017 abgeschaltet worden, weil es sich wirtschaftlich nicht mehr rechnete.
2014 hatten Buschbrände auf die Kohlegrube des Werks übergegriffen und dort 45 Tage lang gelodert. Der Betreiberkonzern wurde vergangene Woche zu 1.56 Millionen australische Dollar (rund 960 000 Euro) verurteilt, weil das Unternehmen nicht auf solche Brände vorbereitet gewesen war und die Mitarbeiter des Werks und Anwohner Risiken ausgesetzt habe.
Australien hängt zu Zweidrittel seines Strombedarfs von Kohle ab. Der Pro-Kopf-Ausstoss an Kohlendioxid ist einer höchsten in der Welt. (aeg/sda/dpa)
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World Press Foto 16
Ein Sturm in Front des Bondi Beach in Sydney. Das Bild des Fotografen Rohan Kelly gewann den 1. Preis in der Kategorie «Natur». quelle: Rohan KellyFlüchtling mit Baby am Grenzzaun von Ungarn. Mit diesem Bild hat der australische Fotograf Warren Richardson den mit 10'000 Euro dotierten renommierten Wettbewerb World Press Photo gewonnen. quelle: WARREN RICHARDSON / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUTEin Kohlekraftwerk in Shanxi, China. Mit diesem Bild gewann Kevin Frayer den 1. Preis in der Kategorie «Daily Life». quelle: HANDOUT«Emily and Kate and Eddie and Reid» heisst der Titel dieses Bildes von Sara Naomi Lewkowicz. Sie gewann damit den 3. Preis in der Kategorie «Contemporary Issues stories». quelle: Sara Naomi Lewkowicz«Citizen Journalism in Brazil's Favelas» von Sebastian Liste gewann den 3. Preis in der Kategorie «Daily Life Stories». quelle: Sebastian ListeEin verwundetes syrisches Mädchen in einem Spital in Douma. Fotograf Abd Doumany gewann den 2. Preis in der Kategorie «News». quelle: ABD DOUMANY / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUTEin Flüchtling versucht in den Zug nach Kroatien zu gelangen. Der russische Fotograf Sergey Ponomarev gewann den 1. Preis in der Kategorie «News». quelle: SERGEY PONOMAREV / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUTDas ist das Sportbild des Jahres. Fotografiert hat es Christian Walgram. quelle: HANDOUT«The Power of Nature» von Sergio Tapiro gewann den 3. Preis in der Kategorie «Nature Singles». quelle: Sergio Tapiro«Tough Times for Orangutans» von Tim Laman gewann in der Kategorie «Nature Stories». quelle: Tim Lamanepa05167943 A handout image provided by the World Press Photo (WPP) organization on 18 February 2016 shows a picture by photographer Daniel Berehulak for the New York Times that won First Prize Stories in the Daily Life Category of the 59th annual World Press Photo Contest, it was announced by the WPP Foundation in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 18 February 2016. The picture shows a Member of a German research team from the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, counting the number of penguin species and pairs as part of ongoing research on bird and penguin species in Antarctica, on 7th of December, 2015 on Ardley Island in the Fildes Peninsula on King George Island, Antarctica. Yardley Island has been designated an Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA 150) because of the importance of its seabird and penguin colonies. EPA/DANIEL BEREHULAK / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUT ATTENTION EDITORS : EDITORIAL USE ONLY / NO SALES / NO ARCHIVE / NO CROPPING / NO MANIPULATING / USE ONLY FOR SINGLE PUBLICATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORLD PRESS PHOTO AND ITS ACTIVITIES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES quelle: DANIEL BEREHULAK / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUTepa05167917 A handout image provided by the World Press Photo (WPP) organization on 18 February 2016 shows a picture by photographer Francesco Zizola for Noor that won Third Prize Stories in the Contemporary Issues Category of the 59th annual World Press Photo Contest, it was announced by the WPP Foundation in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 18 February 2016. The picture shows Emily rubbed sleeping out of her eyes while feeding Reid, as Kate held Eddie during a late night feeding. The two shared the responsibilities of late night feedings, but because Emily generally produced more breast milk than Kate, she often had to feed both babies while Kate pumped her milk. EPA/SARA NAOMI LEWKOWICZ / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUT ATTENTION EDITORS : EDITORIAL USE ONLY / NO SALES / NO ARCHIVE / NO CROPPING / NO MANIPULATING / USE ONLY FOR SINGLE PUBLICATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORLD PRESS PHOTO AND ITS ACTIVITIES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES quelle: SARA NAOMI LEWKOWICZ / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUTepa05167861 A handout image provided by the World Press Photo (WPP) organization on 18 February 2016 shows a picture by photographer Christian Bobst that won Second Prize Stories in the Sports Category of the 59th annual World Press Photo Contest, it was announced by the WPP Foundation in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 18 February 2016. The picture shows Kherou, a young wrestling champion, performing a ritual in the water of the sea while pouring milk over his body in order to obtain the reinforcement of a ghost who lives in the stones at the shore. Dakar, Sierra Leone, 11 August 2015. EPA/CHRISTIAN BOBST / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUT ATTENTION EDITORS : EDITORIAL USE ONLY / NO SALES / NO ARCHIVE / NO CROPPING / NO MANIPULATING / USE ONLY FOR SINGLE PUBLICATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORLD PRESS PHOTO AND ITS ACTIVITIES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES quelle: CHRISTIAN BOBST / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUTepa05167863 A handout image provided by the World Press Photo (WPP) organization on 18 February 2016 shows a picture by photographer Christian Bobst that won Second Prize Stories in the Sports Category of the 59th annual World Press Photo Contest, it was announced by the WPP Foundation in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 18 February 2016. The picture shows a group of people watching the wrestling match on television in Dakar, Senegal, 04 April 2015. EPA/CHRISTIAN BOBST / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUT ATTENTION EDITORS : EDITORIAL USE ONLY / NO SALES / NO ARCHIVE / NO CROPPING / NO MANIPULATING / USE ONLY FOR SINGLE PUBLICATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORLD PRESS PHOTO AND ITS ACTIVITIES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES quelle: CHRISTIAN BOBST / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUTepa05167935 A handout image provided by the World Press Photo (WPP) organization on 18 February 2016 shows a picture by German photographer Christian Ziegler for National Geographic, from a series that won 3rd prize stories in the Nature category of the 59th annual World Press Photo Contest, it was announced by the WPP Foundation in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 18 February 2016. The picture shows a Furcifer ambrensis female foraging for insects with extendable tongue; Montain d’Ambre, Madagascar, 29 November 2014. EPA/CHRISTIAN ZIEGLER / HANDOUT ATTENTION EDITORS : EDITORIAL USE ONLY / NO SALES / NO ARCHIVE / NO CROPPING / NO MANIPULATING / USE ONLY FOR SINGLE PUBLICATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORLD PRESS PHOTO AND ITS ACTIVITIES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES quelle: CHRISTIAN ZIEGLER / HANDOUTepa05167919 A handout image provided by the World Press Photo (WPP) organization on 18 February 2016 shows a picture by South African photographer Brent Stirton, Getty Images for National Geographic, from a series that won 2nd prize stories in the Nature category of the 59th annual World Press Photo Contest, it was announced by the WPP Foundation in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 18 February 2016. The picture shows rangers exhibiting their riding skills as they return to Zakouma National Park after weeks on elephant patrol, Zakouma, Chad, 07 January 2015. EPA/BRENT STIRTON / HANDOUT ATTENTION EDITORS : EDITORIAL USE ONLY / NO SALES / NO ARCHIVE / NO CROPPING / NO MANIPULATING / USE ONLY FOR SINGLE PUBLICATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORLD PRESS PHOTO AND ITS ACTIVITIES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES quelle: BRENT STIRTON / HANDOUTIn this image released by World Press Photo titled "Bliss Dharma Assembly" by photographer Kevin Frayer for Getty Images which won second prize in the Daily Life stories category shows Tibetan Buddhist nomads listening during the annual Bliss Dharma Assembly in Sertar county, Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan province, China, Oct. 31, 2015. (Kevin Frayer/Getty Images, World Press Photo via AP) quelle: Kevin Frayerepa05167763 A handout image provided by the World Press Photo (WPP) organization on 18 February 2016 shows a picture by Australian photographer Daniel Berehulak for The New York Times that won Third Prize Stories in the General News Category of the 59th annual World Press Photo Contest, it was announced by the WPP Foundation in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 18 February 2016. The picture shows residents foraging through their destroyed homes, gathering salvageable belongings on April 29, 2015 in Bhaktapur, Nepal. On the 25th of April, just before noon local time, as farmers were out in fields and people at home or work, a devastating earthquake struck Nepal, killing over 8,000 people and injuring more than 21,000 according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. EPA/DANIEL BEREHULAK / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUT ATTENTION EDITORS : EDITORIAL USE ONLY / NO SALES / NO ARCHIVE / NO CROPPING / NO MANIPULATING / USE ONLY FOR SINGLE PUBLICATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORLD PRESS PHOTO AND ITS ACTIVITIES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES quelle: DANIEL BEREHULAK / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUTepa05167760 A handout image provided by the World Press Photo (WPP) organization on 18 February 2016 shows a picture by Australian photographer Daniel Berehulak for The New York Times that won Third Prize Stories in the General News Category of the 59th annual World Press Photo Contest, it was announced by the WPP Foundation in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 18 February 2016. The picture shows flames rising from burning funeral pyres during the cremation of earthquake victims, at the Pashupatinath temple on the banks of Bagmati river on April 28, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. On the 25th of April, just before noon local time, as farmers were out in fields and people at home or work, a devastating earthquake struck Nepal, killing over 8,000 people and injuring more than 21,000 according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. EPA/DANIEL BEREHULAK / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUT ATTENTION EDITORS : EDITORIAL USE ONLY / NO SALES / NO ARCHIVE / NO CROPPING / NO MANIPULATING / USE ONLY FOR SINGLE PUBLICATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORLD PRESS PHOTO AND ITS ACTIVITIES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES quelle: DANIEL BEREHULAK / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUTepa05167865 A handout image provided by the World Press Photo (WPP) organization on 18 February 2016 shows a picture by photographer Christian Bobst that won Second Prize Stories in the Sports Category of the 59th annual World Press Photo Contest, it was announced by the WPP Foundation in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 18 February 2016. The picture shows BB Bisma Ndoye defeating the wrestler Maraka Dji in the Demba Diop stadium in Dakar, Sierra Leone, 05 April 2015. EPA/CHRISTIAN BOBST / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUT EPA/CHRISTIAN BOBST / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUT ATTENTION EDITORS : EDITORIAL USE ONLY / NO SALES / NO ARCHIVE / NO CROPPING / NO MANIPULATING / USE ONLY FOR SINGLE PUBLICATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORLD PRESS PHOTO AND ITS ACTIVITIES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES quelle: CHRISTIAN BOBST / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUTepa05167941 A handout image provided by the World Press Photo (WPP) organization on 18 February 2016 shows a picture by photographer Daniel Berehulak for the New York Times that won First Prize Stories in the Daily Life Category of the 59th annual World Press Photo Contest, it was announced by the WPP Foundation in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 18 February 2016. The picture shows the winter expedition crew of Russian research team and (R) Chilean scientist Dr Ernesto Molina, drinking 'Samagon' a home-made vodka, as they sit in a bedroom of the Bellingshausen Antarctica base on the 28th of November, 2015 near Villa Las Estrellas, in the Fildes Peninsula on King George Island, Antarctica. More than a century has passed since explorers raced to plant their flags at the bottom of the world. But today, an array of countries are rushing to assert greater influence in Antarctica. EPA/DANIEL BEREHULAK / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUT ATTENTION EDITORS : EDITORIAL USE ONLY / NO SALES / NO ARCHIVE / NO CROPPING / NO MANIPULATING / USE ONLY FOR SINGLE PUBLICATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORLD PRESS PHOTO AND ITS ACTIVITIES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES quelle: DANIEL BEREHULAK / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUTepa05167901 A handout image provided by the World Press Photo (WPP) organization on 18 February 2016 shows a picture by photographer Francesco Zizola for Noor that won Second Prize Stories in the Contemporary Issues Category of the 59th annual World Press Photo Contest, it was announced by the WPP Foundation in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 18 February 2016. The picture shows eritrean migrants - the vast majority of the migrants rescued the day before off the Libyan coast in the Mediterranean Sea - gathering on the deck of the M.S.F. (Medecins Sans Frontières - Doctors Without Borders) search and rescue ship Bourbon Argos to attend the service celebrated by one of the three priests on board the ship. The Argos is crossing the Mediterranean Sea towards Italy. 3 September 2015. EPA/FRANCESCO ZIZOLA / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUT ATTENTION EDITORS : EDITORIAL USE ONLY / NO SALES / NO ARCHIVE / NO CROPPING / NO MANIPULATING / USE ONLY FOR SINGLE PUBLICATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORLD PRESS PHOTO AND ITS ACTIVITIES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES quelle: FRANCESCO ZIZOLA / WORLD PRESS PHOTO / HANDOUTepa05168031 A handout image provided by the World Press Photo (WPP) organization on 18 February 2016 shows a picture by Spanish photographer Daniel Ochoa de Olza, The Associated Press, from a series that won 2nd prize stories in the People category of the 59th annual World Press Photo Contest, it was announced by the WPP Foundation in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 18 February 2016. The picture shows a 'Maya' girl sitting in an altar during the traditional celebration of 'Las Mayas' on the streets of the small village of Colmenar Viejo, near Madrid, Spain, 02 may 2015. EPA/DANIEL OCHOA DE OLZA ATTENTION EDITORS : EDITORIAL USE ONLY / NO SALES / NO ARCHIVE / NO CROPPING / NO MANIPULATING / USE ONLY FOR SINGLE PUBLICATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORLD PRESS PHOTO AND ITS ACTIVITIES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES quelle: DANIEL OCHOA DE OLZAepa05167934 A handout image provided by the World Press Photo (WPP) organization on 18 February 2016 shows a picture by German photographer Christian Ziegler for National Geographic, from a series that won 3rd prize stories in the Nature category of the 59th annual World Press Photo Contest, it was announced by the WPP Foundation in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 18 February 2016. The picture shows two male Panther chameleons, Furcifer pardalis, fighting; Madagascar Exotique, Madagascar, 11 November 2015. EPA/CHRISTIAN ZIEGLER / HANDOUT ATTENTION EDITORS : EDITORIAL USE ONLY / NO SALES / NO ARCHIVE / NO CROPPING / NO MANIPULATING / USE ONLY FOR SINGLE PUBLICATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORLD PRESS PHOTO AND ITS ACTIVITIES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES quelle: CHRISTIAN ZIEGLER / HANDOUTepa05167921 A handout image provided by the World Press Photo (WPP) organization on 18 February 2016 shows a picture by South African photographer Brent Stirton, Getty Images for National Geographic, from a series that won 2nd prize stories in the Nature category of the 59th annual World Press Photo Contest, it was announced by the WPP Foundation in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 18 February 2016. The picture shows Ugandan soldiers crossing a river while on patrol against the Lord's Resistance Army close to the border of the DRC. Mbeki, Central African Republic, 26 November 2014. EPA/BRENT STIRTON / HANDOUT ATTENTION EDITORS : EDITORIAL USE ONLY / NO SALES / NO ARCHIVE / NO CROPPING / NO MANIPULATING / USE ONLY FOR SINGLE PUBLICATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORLD PRESS PHOTO AND ITS ACTIVITIES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES quelle: BRENT STIRTON / HANDOUTIn this image released by World Press Photo titled "An Antarctic Advantage" by photographer Daniel Berehulak for The New York Times which won first prize Daily Life stories shows a priest looking on in the Bell room, after a vigil at the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity, Fildes Bay, Antartica, Dec. 3, 2015.(Daniel Berehulak/The New York Times, World Press Photo via AP) quelle: Daniel Berehulak
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