Explore Alaska’s fjords and yarn-bomb your bedroom: 5 fun projects for kids this week
by Kris Gilroy Higginson

The Weekly Wonder
What do apples, yarn and a computer have in common? They’re all tools for sparking fun adventures at home this week. Here are five ways to keep your kids busy, happy and learning.
Go on an icy adventure
Bundle up for an interactive Google tour of Alaska’s Kenai Fjords National Park. Start at bit.ly/kayak-kenai to experience this wildly icy land, then rappel into a crevasse, kayak along icebergs and watch a glacier recede.
Make applesauce
There’s a secret ingredient for making standout applesauce. The Young Chefs’ Club at America’s Test Kitchen divulges it and uses videos to walk kids through the tasty recipe at americastestkitchen.com/kids/recipes/diy-applesauce. If that doesn’t ap-peel (groan!), dig into its treasure trove of other recipes for kids at americastestkitchen.com/kids/home.
Yarn-bomb your bedroom
The trend of knitting or crocheting to decorate a public place has spread worldwide — in some towns, even the trees and bikes are wearing sweaters. The DIY Network explains how to yarn-bomb inside your own house at bit.ly/yarnbomb-home.
Put a new twist on paper airplanes
Tired of paper airplanes? The Exploratorium in San Francisco is sharing a way to make paper hoops that can zoom through the air at bit.ly/paperhoops.
Play detective
Aspiring gumshoes can make a periscope to peer around the corner, another gem from The Exploratorium (bit.ly/periscope-diy). When you’re done snooping with that, try Scientific American’s guide to writing with invisible ink (bit.ly/secret-ink) and create your own simple magnifying glass from a plastic bottle with directions from Science Sparks (bit.ly/magnify-glass).
Kris Gilroy Higginson: khigginson@seattletimes.com;