Am Montag online: WeAreDevelopers Live Week – u.a. mit Web APIs, RxJS und ML
Sämtliche Vorträge der Online-Konferenz sind diese Woche über die Kanäle von heise online zu sehen sein. Hier das Programm des heutigen Montags.
by Alexander Neumannheise Developer präsentiert diese Woche die WeAreDevelopers Live Week, eine sich vorrangig an Entwickler richtende Online-Konferenz mit mehr als 50 Vorträgen. Ausrichter ist der Job-Plattformanbieter WeAreDevelopers, bekannt auch für den großen WAD World Congress, der diese Woche in Berlin hätte stattfinden sollen, dann aber wegen der COVID-19-Pandemie abgesagt werden musste.
Die Konferenz ist kostenlos und per Stream einsehbar, die Registrierung mag aber hilfreich sein, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, wann was startet, einen Tagesüberblick und auch -rückblick zu erhalten, von etwaigen Programmänderungen zu erfahren und schließlich Infos zu den Aufnahmen im Nachhinein zu bekommen.
Programm 25. Mai 2020 | |||
12.00 Uhr | Welcome to the WeAreDevelopers Live Week! | Let's get started! The Live Week is a virtual event loaded with educational and inspirational talks, delivered with a side of workshops and gathering some of the most prominent names in the dev world to speak their minds about trends, technologies and challenges of tomorrow in software development. | Vilyana Lazarova |
12.15 Uhr | Web is the new native! | This is the year that we start to really bet fully on the web. There is a new web API every other month and browser vendors now see implementing browser API features not just as a way of keeping up to date, but also as a competitive space for getting more users to adopt their browsers. It seems every native feature out there is getting a corresponding Web feature being implemented. This talk focuses on the very simple yet somewhat challenging things that when it comes to implementing specific features on the web. Some of the features include taking pictures with camera devices, accessing video streams Instagram style, accessing user geolocation Uber-style, offline support for PWA applications and loads of other features. The question this talk aims to answer is can you build apps with really native features with just web technologies today? | Sani Yusuf |
13.30 Uhr | Diversity in Development: Which hurdles can we overcome right now to open up development? | While IT-companies worldwide eagerly try to recruit and even educate new talent, in Austria alone more than 10.000 people are effectively barred from entering IT. They, and millions more worldwide, have little to no access to classical avenues of higher learning or job training. With the "Diversity in Development" project, we show not only that deaf people can be included into IT, but that they belong there. | Christoph Pirringer |
15:30 Uhr | A technical introduction to Bitcoin's 2nd layer: The lightning network | The Lightning Network is a 2nd layer technology built over Bitcoin. In this technical introduction, Andreas explains the fundamental building blocks of the network: multi-signature, payment channels, hash time-locked contracts, and routing. | Andreas M. Antonopoulos |
16.45 Uhr | Practice makes perfect – when it comes to RxJS | By making a deep dive into a very advanced real-world example, one will experience the strengths of RxJS. Additionally, it will help everyone to establish a reactive mindset, which is definitely the most crucial skill needed for being efficient with RxJS. Together we are going to develop a fully-featured carousel implementation, heavily relying on RxJS. By attending this experience one will boost his knowledge about RxJS and especially establishing a reactive mindset leading to scalable and resilient software design. Paired with lots of live coding attendees will learn how to approach complex scenarios and how to solve them reactively. | Jan-Niklas Wortmann |
18.00 Uhr | Ranking Amazon reviews by quality with pointwise ratings learned from pairwise data | In this session, Tanmay shows how you can use TensorFlow to train a neural network to rank Amazon reviews by their "helpfulness" or "quality" automatically. Instead of training the networks on a regression problem, where we try to predict the helpfulness score directly, we will implicitly learn this score by learning to "choose" the more helpful review with an architecture inspired by IBM Research's Project Debater. | Tanmay Bakshi |
Die Heise Medien sind am Start-up WeAreDevelopers, das sich vorrangig als Jobvermittlungsplattform für Entwickler und Unternehmen versteht und hinter den WeAreDevelopers-Konferenzen steht, seit letztem Jahr finanziell beteiligt. (ane)