President Trump's adviser compares China's handling of coronavirus to Chernobyl


The US national security adviser Robert O’Brien on Sunday drew parallels between China's handling of the coronavirus outbreak and the Soviet Union’s cover-up of the meltdown at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986. 

Key quotes (Source: NCB, Reuters)

They unleashed a virus on the world that’s destroyed trillions of dollars in American economic wealth that we’re having to spend to keep our economy alive, to keep Americans afloat during this virus. 

The cover-up that they did of the virus is going to go down in history, along with Chernobyl. We’ll see an HBO special about it ten or 15 years from now.

This is a real problem and it cost many, many thousands of lives in America and around the world because the real information was not allowed to get out.

The Trump administration has recently stepped up its rhetoric against China, accusing the dragon nation of purposely allowing the virus to spread across the globe. President Trump suggested a few days ago that he was considering abandoning the trade deal with China signed earlier this year. 

Wahington's tough talk has not gone down well with Beijing. China's foreign minister, on Sunday, criticized the US for pushing the two nations toward a cold war.