The Indian Express
Horoscope Today, May 25, 2020: Libra, Pisces, Taurus, Gemini, and other signs – check astrological prediction
Capricorn, secrecy is the order of the day. Just why you must keep something to yourself is your business, but other people will need a certain amount of reassurance. Monetary matters continue to look prosperous as long as you calculate the odds involved in any risk.
by Express Web DeskARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20)
The overwhelming trend of today’s stars is pleasurable, adventurous and entertaining. You may therefore turn your gaze away from life’s little problems and find activities which will bring fun and lift your morale. You might even enjoy new developments at work.
TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 21)
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To talk in terms of figures, there is a ten-percent chance of a move of home, but a ninety-percent chance of some positive domestic upheaval of equivalent magnitude. In the meantime, today’s stars have a distinctly prosperous gloss, so keep your eye open for profitable possibilities.
GEMINI (May 22 – June 21)
Careful judgment is required in all financial matters, but happily that seems to be just exactly what you’ll have. There is much to be said for sharing your feelings with anyone who will listen, by the way, but you may have to pick your words with care.
CANCER (June 22 – July 23)
Commonsense a plenty should be the result of Mercury’s helpful location in your solar chart. Hopefully this will help you avoid a number of hidden personal pitfalls, and enable you to give other people the benefit of your advice. Will they listen? I hope so!
LEO (July 24 – Aug 23)
Your planetary positions remain nine-tenths perfect. That remaining one tenth, though, does represent the potential for a very silly emotional confrontation which could cost you dear. I advise great caution now and over the coming weeks. After all, you don’t want to offend anyone who has been good to you.
VIRGO (Aug 24 – Sept 23)
So much now seems to be going on behind the scenes that you may wonder what it’s all for. If only you could get away for a while, you would see that the current situation is really rather different from what you imagine. Still, perhaps it’s good for you to receive a surprise.
LIBRA (Sept 24 – Oct 23)
It really does look time for a short trip, or two. Someone is waiting to hear from you, so do get in touch and don’t waste any more time. Workwise there is much to be said for taking an early break, refreshing your energy and recharging your over-stretched batteries.
SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 22)
Don’t dwell on personal upsets, or even on any successes. Get straight on and deal with all those pressing personal issues, whether you’re tackling recalcitrant relations, or reassuring a friend whose confidence has taken a knock. You’ll lay down the law, but very gently.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 – Dec 22)
The world definitely seems to be going your way – a very fine indication that you can now call the shots. There does still seem to be a great deal of resentment around, but it would be a shame if it spoiled the atmosphere. See that everyone keeps smiling.
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CAPRICORN (Dec 23 – Jan 20)
Secrecy is the order of the day. Just why you must keep something to yourself is your business, but other people will need a certain amount of reassurance. Monetary matters continue to look prosperous as long as you calculate the odds involved in any risk.
AQUARIUS (Jan 21 – Feb 19)
What other people want to know is whether you are genuine about pursuing a particular ambition, or whether you will falter at the last hurdle, as you so often have done in the past. What they don’t know is that Saturn, planet of hard work, is giving you the power to complete almost any task.
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PISCES (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
You are often too sensitive by half, but right now there seems to be a great deal to be gained from taking an emotional risk and disregarding the consequences. You have been a doormat for too long! Remember, if you are going to make sacrifices, make sure they’re worthwhile.