Here’s A ‘Pokémon GO’ Promo Code For Some Free Items
by Dave Thier
It was a somewhat active weekend in Pokémon GO. Not only did we have our second stay-at-home Community Day, where we all caught Seedot, worked through some special research and attempted to navigate an increasingly checkered landscape of just what places are safe to go and what places aren’t, we also had a round of voting for the next two Community Days. Weedle and Gastly took wound up the fan favorites for what would seem like pretty different reasons: the latter because it can be useful and has been a rare shiny in the past, the former because it’s a silly worm that everyone loves. In celebration of that, Niantic handed out a promo code for some free goodies:
It’s not much: just 50 free Pokéballs. But if you’re living in the sort of dense hotspot that makes it difficult to get outside, it’s still important to be constantly stocking up
That code again is K8G9DFV4X7L3W. If you’re on Android, you can redeem in-game. If you’re on iOS, you’ll want to head to this website, login with your relevant details and redeem.
These promo codes have been part of a patchwork system that Niantic quickly put in place to ensure that players could still get some Pokemon without leaving the house, teaming up with 1 Pokécoin bundles, remote raid passes and generous incense to form a system that adapts this game to a scenario it was never built for. All in all, it’s been fairly successful, I would argue, and in the past few weeks I’ve been getting back into the game despite the fact that I can’t really play it in all the ways that I like to.
These show up from time to time, so check back in and see if any new ones show up. We’re now coming to the end of a month chock-full of throwback challenges that have given us a little weekly structure and some nice rewards, and now we’re looking forward to whatever the team has in store for next month. Normally, we’d be edging up into summer, when Niantic usually goes all out with a combination of live events and paired in-game bonuses. Things are different now, you might say, but I imagine we’ll still get some big stuff on the way.