
Managing Your Risk of Depression and Anxiety in Pregnancy

3 Tips for those with concerns.



Women who have experienced emotional distress before they became pregnant often wonder if they are doomed to suffer from depression or anxiety during pregnancy or after they have had their babies.

If you’ve experienced depression before you became pregnant, you have a significant risk of developing depression in pregnancy or after you’ve had your baby.

But much like a family history of diabetes increases your risk but doesn’t destine you to develop diabetes, a history of depression doesn’t guarantee that you will develop depression or anxiety during pregnancy or after delivery.

How can you reduce your risk? By actively managing it.
Source: via Unsplash

Just like diabetes can be prevented with a healthy diet and exercise, you can lower the risk of experiencing depression again when you are pregnant (or after you’ve had your baby).

Here are 3 tips to keep your risk of depression and anxiety low in pregnancy and beyond:

1. Be aware of your risk and take control of it.

Now is not the time to ignore that past episode of depression or anxiety. Now is the time to accept that it happened…. and actively manage it.

2. Actively manage your risk with these 7 proven lifestyle strategies:

3. Don’t discontinue your medication without first discussing it with your doctor.

Many women go off their depression or anxiety medication for fear that it will harm their baby. However, stopping medication cold turkey isn’t a good idea either.

Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss medication options, such as:

If you’re planning to become pregnant, discuss a medication plan with your doctor ahead of time. Some medications that are safe in pregnancy include amitriptyline, imipramine, nortriptyline, fluoxetine (Note: This is not a complete list).