Egypt’s Min. of Culture presents Wael Jassar’s concert on May 25
by Mustafa MarieCAIRO - 25 May 2020: On its official YouTube channel, the Egyptian Ministry of Culture will broadcast a concert for Wael Jassar on May 25 at 9 p.m. in celebration of Eid al-Fitr.
The concert comes within the ministry’s e-initiative “Stay At Home. Culture Is Between Your Hands.”
The Lebanese star had recently released a video clip of his new song “Matghebsh Sawany” (Don’t Leave for A Second). The song is written by Khaled Tag el-Din and composed by Walid Saad.
The song’s video clip was filmed in Lebanon under strict precautionary measures against the novel coronavirus.
In the video clip, Jassar tells a true story of a woman who is deeply in love with her husband. The woman then discovers she is severely ill, and decides to hide that from her husband. She starts treatment secretly and all alone. Eventually, her husband feels that his beloved wife is drifting away from him, which raises his suspicion.
The husband accidentally discovers her illness and provides her with all the necessary moral support, which enables her to overcome her pain and recover from her illness.
Furthermore, Jassar recently presented "Ghorbet Hob", the theme song of the series “Khetm el-Nemr” which was broadcast on ON channel. The song is written by Menna Adly el-Qaei and composed by Ihab Abdel Wahid.
The Lebanese star also performed “Eih Eli Wasalna Lekeda”, the theme song of the series “Hawadit el Champs-Elysees” which was broadcast on ON channel as well. The song is written by Amir Teama and composed by Walid Saad.