South Australia’s Restaurants, Bars and Pubs Can Allow Up to 80 Patrons From June 1 – But There Are a Few Conditions
Plus, you’ll be able to order a drink without a meal. And there are changes coming for theatres, cinemas, galleries, museums, beauty salons and gyms, too.
by Daniela Frangos

Stage two of South Australia’s easing of Covid-19 restrictions has been brought forward to Monday June 1, Premier Steven Marshall announced in a press conference this afternoon.
Under the new rules, up to 80 patrons will be allowed into a venue as long as they’re separated into groups of 20 in distinct areas within the premises. Also, customers will be able to order a drink without a meal (but they must be seated).
The same capacity limit applies to theatres, cinemas, galleries, museums, beauty salons and gyms. And up to 50 people will now be permitted to attend a funeral.
Venues will still need to adhere to social distancing guidelines of one person per four square metres. They will also be required to complete a Covid-safe plan (which is available online) before June 1.
Other changes: outdoor training for contact sports will resume (with games permitted from June 25), and non-contact games will be permitted from June 1.
The announcement follows the government’s backflip on Friday, which allowed all venues to open for indoor dining (with conditions) after initial confusion over licensing categories.
Stage-two restrictions were originally scheduled to ease on June 8, before being brought forward to June 5 and now June 1.
More to come.