20, 861 malnourished children treated in Kaduna in 2019—official
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Mrs Ramatu Musa, the Kaduna State Government’s Nutrition Officer on Friday said that the state government had treated about 20, 861 malnourished children in 2019.
Musa told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Kaduna that 26,192 malnourished children were admitted in the state’s various Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) centres during the period.
The nutrition officer said that 352 children died of malnutrition; 2, 814 defaulted on the treatment while 318 others could not be revived in the period under review.
Musa said the CMAM centres were increased from 11 to 14 local government areas, while Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) Stabilisation Centres were increased from 13 to 17 local governments.
According to her, the government’s intevervention had significantly increased access to quality treatment of malnutrition in the state.
“To improve the quality of service delivery, 60 CMAM front-line officers in six LGAs were trained on integration of HIV counselling and testing in CMAM sites.
“Health workers were also trained on scaling up of SAM stabilisation centres in four General Hospitals of Saminaka, Maigana, Kauru and Giwa LGAs.
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“One hundred and sixty nine health workers drawn from 38 Primary Health Centres and nine Secondary Health Facilities in 11 LGAs, were also trained on maternal and child nutrition.”
Musa also said that a total of 194,070 children from zero to six months of age were exclusively breastfed in the state during the period under review.
She added that 70,619 children were exclusively breastfed following the influence, mobilisation and enlightenment activities of Traditional Birth Attendants.
She also disclosed that 50,731 mothers and caregivers to children between six and 24 months, were counselled on Infant and Young Child Feeding at CMAM sites in the year.
“Similarly, 125,163 mothers and caregivers attended food demonstration session in various health facilities in the state as part of effort to create awareness on how to prepare nutritious meal using locally available food sources,” she said.
Musa said that the interventions were supported by UNICEF, UNFPA, Alive and Thrive, Save the Children International, Civil Society Scaling-Up Nutrition in Nigeria and other partners.
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