Concern in a Tipperary town over the extent of dog dirt on the streets
Cahir Tidy Towns group has been out and about in dark in recent nights trying to get a start on the new season.
Trees have been planted in the woodland and last weekend a lot of shrub beds have received a good pruning.
A lot or work has been completed on the footpaths and pedestrian crossings are underway in many approach roads to town.
The Mitchelstown road traffic calming and landscaping will be completed this week and the traffic islands will be due soon after.
We would hope that these works along with our bio diversity planting will earn us marks in 2020.
There is growing concern about the increase in dog poo on our streets and we would ask dog owners to carry a bag and dispose of carefully.
It’s a huge concern for wheelchair and pram users.
There is also extra litter in the Inch Field area from parties at night and now that the Gardaí have commenced foot patrols in town, this might decrease.
The group would like to express our sympathy to our member Dermot O’Connor on the recent death of his brother in law Tom Kearney, Abbeydorney, Co. Kerry.
We meet as normal on Wednesday at 7pm weather permitting.