What does Chamisa expect?
by Nothisa DubeThere is no political problem in Bulawayo within the MDC. The problem is them who bought their own people from out side Bulawayo.
A true leader should come from the community, someone who is well known by the people of that community. You bring your people to lead while they can't go out to the people. Therefore to Chamisa to see the Bulawayo Province happy he must make sure that all executive post comes to the people of Matebeleland, or else come elections he will loss.
Mr Chamisa you have enough support to all the Provinces don't be afraid. I am not a MDC supporter but l feel sympathy to our people who are always being used by the politicians and get dumped later. You have to understand that power is to be shared among all party members. Your people in Bulawayo can't talk to the community but only media. The problem when elections comesĀ party buses people to come and vote for the people of their choice.
Mr Chamisa people are bitter and they know that very well.
Give them leadership to lead their community.