Perth Sheriff Court

Teenage dad threw pram during outburst, Perth Sheriff Court hears

17-year-old allowed to continue on Right Track scheme


A 17-year-old Perth dad who flew into a rage and hurled a pram in his girlfriend’s living room has been allowed to stay on a scheme designed to keep wayward teens on the straight and narrow.

Despite a “mixed report” on the teenager, who cannot be named, Sheriff William Wood said he was prepared to continue the Right Track supervision until its conclusion.

The accused will return to Perth Sheriff Court on May 6 to be sentenced.

He admitted shouting and swearing, acting in an aggressive manner and refusing to leave a house in the Hillyland district of Perth on July 24, 2019.

The court was told that he also walked up to a full-length mirror and booted it, causing it to smash. The teen also threw a mobile phone during the outburst which took place after a fall-out with his partner.

She was “frightened” by the accused’s behaviour and at one point she went to the balcony and called out into the street below, asking for someone to come up to her flat as she wanted to contact police.

Officers responded and he accepted there had been a “heated argument and he had lost his temper,” according to depute fiscal Michael Sweeney.

The accused had his bail continued meantime.