Shropshire care specialist awards staff pay rises
by James PughA company has decided to smash through the current salaries for care staff and introduce pay rises of up to 55 per cent above minimum wage.
Bluebird Care, with offices in Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury, and Oswestry town centre, is on a mission to recruit as many new care assistants to the sector as it can, and to reward the staff who already work for it.
The company not only wants to attract new carers, it is striving to ensure the value and hard work of each staff member is rewarded equally, regardless of gender, age or how long they have worked for it.
Bluebird Care has created a new pay structure, in which care assistants can earn between 11 per cent and 55 per cent above the national minimum wage (NMW), depending on their age.
Carers under 25 are also receiving a 18 per cent increase on their current salaries, and over 25s will get a 11 per cent pay increase. All care assistants will be paid at least £10 an hour, from new recruits who have passed induction, to those who have been in the company several years or more.
Director of Bluebird Care, Ian Barnes, said: "We recognise that all our care assistants are expected to deliver the same high standard of care to our customers, regardless of age or experience, and so have made the important decision of introducing a single rate of pay for everyone.
"It's sad that many people don't consider a career in care. Instead, they might think that working in shops, bars and restaurants is a better job. But these roles are often low paid, with anti-social hours and limited job satisfaction or career progression.
"We want to open people's eyes to the realities of care work. An 18-year-old, working full time hours with us would earn over £23,000 a year. That's a fantastic salary. The hours with us are flexible to fit around you, we have a career pathway and encourage promotion, even up to senior manager level.
"We offer ongoing training and qualifications, and our pay rates are significantly higher, not only than other care companies locally and regionally, but also than many other sectors such as hospitality and retail. The rewards and opportunities if you opt for a career in care are endless."