Forever Nigeria 2020 kick-off success showcase
by Hamed ShobiyeKindly Share This Story:

Tony Nwankwo
Forever Living Products Nigeria is 20 years, this year. A milestone that speaks of its acceptability, desirability, business viability, and above all, an immense public acknowledgement that the company and its business have come to stay. A business model, faithfully described by Forever executive Chairman and Founder, Mr. Rex Maughan, thus: “An opportunity based on a beautiful, pure concept of sharing products you love, with others around you. Anyone with a passion for sharing health and wellness with others and watching their lives improve can build the business”. And the business has touched the sensitive nerves of the Nigerian population as it has done all over the world.
The Company created some magic at the National Arts Theatre, Iganmu, Lagos, as they flagged off the first Success Showcase for 2020, one in the yearly events series in which the company recognizes and decorates its independent Forever Business Owners who have attained varying levels of achievements in their businesses, also showing how grateful and proud they are for the patronage over the years. The atmosphere was electric as Forever Business Owners (FBOs) across the geo-political zones of the country emptied themselves into the bowels of the centrepiece of arts and culture in Nigeria.
The Forever Nigeria family laid a grandeur exposition in epic celebration as only they know-how. The event was awe-inspiring. As the elegant Mrs. Oma Attah, wife of MD Nigeria LNG, Mr Tony Attah, declared at the event, her earlier vow to conduct her Forever business so successfully that her children and grand-children would benefit. “I want to create a dynasty of Omas. There will be Oma I, Oma II, Oma III, in this business. My grandchildren will testify that this business was founded for us by our grandma, the original Oma (Attah)”, she said, and the audience cheered.
It was an afternoon of love and fun. Take the Port Harcourt crowd, you can’t miss them, happy people from the Garden City with designer wear that could set a fashion statement in Nigeria for 2020. They came alive when their own, the delectable Ukamaka Nsugbe, came on stage and urged Nigerians to be cautious of what they take into their system. She said Coronavirus, the Wahun, China, epidemic that had claimed over 700 lives, with an American and a Japanese in tow, was a pointer that decisions we make in life affect more than just us.
Naturally, everyone in Forever has a story to tell. Ukamaka said when she joined Forever in 2007, she had three challenges and all were effectively resolved a few months later. She said it was unacceptable conduct to market Forever products as medicine, rather than as supplements. “They are products that provide strongholds against toxins and other infections in the body”, advising FBOs to use the products for their own health and well-being too, and advising ulcer patients to use Forever Aloe Gel. “Ulcer is wound in the stomach, with Forever Gel, the wound start to close up”, she said.
Also, there were talks. Take the case of Mrs. Yewande Adekoya, who left her banking career in November 2017. She said she came to Forever to make money, but ended up being pregnant and having a baby, enhanced by the use of Forever Living products, and the Abuja-based Mrs. Serah Idemudia, who relocated from Abuja to Ikorodu with her husband and refused to work. She was later invited to a Forever event where she listened and joined. “I became an FLP Manager in three months, earning a monthly bonus of over N200,000 at that time. I am in”, she vowed.
Earlier in the show, the Country Manager, Mr Daniel Ikechukwu, had inaugurated a 12-man Executive Committee for 2020, charged with the responsibility that all company policy and plans for the country trickle down to all Forever Business Owners (FBOs) in Nigeria. The criteria for the selection, he said, was the inclusion of the top-performing five FBOs in the country and the top business owners in the regions. Those who made the list are: Dr. Clement Idigo, Justina & John Ekperigin, Kikelomo Apeji, Oma & Tony Attah, and Tope & Taiwo Akinola. The representatives of the regions are: Ukamaka Nsugbe, Uzoma Ebele Otaraku, for the South-South/ South-East, Mrs. Janet Faruk Danjuma and Hajia Hadiza Abubakar Alli for the North, Owolabi Moses and Fehintola Onagoruwa for the South West.
Mr. Ikechukwu, like an army general, rallying his troops, had earlier meticulously solicited dedication and attention from Forever Business Owners as they go further in the year, to represent themselves properly and the company. “We have been in existence in Nigeria for 20 years. 20 years of making people feel better and look better. We are talking about 20 years of health and 20 years of wellness. Most importantly, we are talking about 20 years of Aloe. As we celebrate this landmark, we are grateful to Mr. Rex Maughan, and we wish him well. He is responsible for the good life we are sharing to the people of Nigeria, making people look and feel better”. He poured encomiums on Rex Maughan, without whom, he said the thousands in Nigeria and millions around the world who benefit from the business and the uncountable millions who benefit from the products around the world may have settled for less.
“As we celebrate 20 years, it is right that we say a big `Thank You’ of feeling fine. It is from Nigeria that it all started going to the rest of Africa. Our 20 years anniversary is a year-long event and theme is Health and Beauty of the Nation with Forever”, he said.
In the end, with the audience coming from around the country, blaring vuvuzela flutes, the atmosphere at the National Theatre was carnival-like. Many said they would want a repeat, soon.
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