PIC Of The Day: Breakdown At Statehouse – This Is When You Know That You Are In Serious Trouble
by Timothy NdoroBreakdown At Statehouse

Some unfortunate gentlemen found out first hand just how bad it is to have your vehicle break down at the statehouse when their huge lorry which was transporting cabbages suffered a breakdown.
The hyper-vigilant and paranoid Presidential Guard soldiers who keep watch over the President’s official residence, were in no mood to entertain any explanations. They quickly ordered everyone who was in the vehicle to push their huge lorry until it restarted or until it was well out of the close perimeter of the State House.
To the Presidential Guard soldiers, it did not matter that the there were only three men who were supposed to push a 7 tonne plus full loaded lorry out of the way. Unfortunately, the area is a hot zone in terms of security and no one was willing to risk joining the men pushing the truck in their thankless ordeal by overtly taking photographs or lingering in the area for too long.

The area around the State House, which is located at corner Josiah Tongogara and Seventh Avenue is a bane for most motorists in the capital.
One of the biggest fears for the people who drive along Harare’s busy and often congested pot-holed roads is suffering a breakdown at or near the State House. There are fewer things that one would wish on their enemies which are worse than having a breakdown at the State House.
The soldiers of the Presidential Guard Brigade who guard the area are notorious for their uncompromising attitudes as they uphold near maniac level security standards. The soldiers are so intense that a mere wrong look, wrong sound, “inappropriate walk” and vehicle breaking down in the vicinity of the Statehouse are some of the things which get ordinary people into trouble.
Perhaps one of the favourite punishments administered by the soldiers to those who fall foul of the exacting standards of expected behaviour in the area is to force people to roll in the mud while immaculately dressed.
If you know that your motor vehicle has issues of any kind, iHarare advises you not to tempt fate by using any of the roads passing next to the State House. You may find yourself having to roll through the mud of having to push a heavy vehicle all on your own.
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