Trump Jr Calls Bloomberg 'racist', O'Brien Hits Back In Series Of Tweets
by Kunal GauravRest of the World News
While Mike Bloomberg didn’t respond to Trump Jr's accusations, his senior adviser replied with all the blatantly racist things Trump had uttered in the past.
Written By Kunal Gaurav | Mumbai | Updated On: February 14, 2020 14:41 IST
After US President Donald Trump's frequent jibes at Democratic primary Mike Bloomberg over his height, Trump Jr has now attacked him with accusations of racism. The 42-year-old businessman shared a clip from 2015 in which Bloomberg can be heard defending ‘stop and frisk’ techniques in minority neighbourhoods.
Read: Democrat Presidential Candidate Bloomberg Adopts Meme Strategy To Tank Trump's Campaign
The hashtag #BloombergIsARacist started to trend on Twitter and netizens cited past events to accuse Bloomberg of racism. While Bloomberg didn’t respond to the accusations, his senior adviser Tim O'Brien replied in a series of tweets with all the blatantly racist things Trump had uttered in the past.
Read: Michael Bloomberg Camp Responds To Trump's Insults With 'fake Hair', 'obesity' Jibe
'Hateful racist and bigot'
O’Brien accused Trump of being the “most overt and flagrantly hateful racist and bigot” of the modern presidency. He posted an opinion piece and said that “absolutely nothing” in Bloomberg’s background puts him in the same category as the US President. “Your dad and his father, Fred, ran a housing business that the Justice Department censured in 1973 for discriminating against prospective tenants of color,” tweeted the 73-year-old. Check some of the tweets where O’Brien launched an all-out attack on Trump for being “racist”.
Read: Donald Trump Mocks Mike Bloomberg's Height, Calls Sanders A 'communist'
Read: Donald J Trump Calls Out Mike Bloomberg For Latest Ad, Says He's 'wasting Money'
(with inputs from agencies)