Cabinet Minster Found Guilty Of Contempt And Sentenced To 3 Months In Jail
by Sharon ChirisaMinister Chitando Found Guilty Of Contempt, Handed 90 Days In Prison

Minster of mines Winston Chitando was slapped with 90 days behind bars after the court found him guilty of contempt on two separate counts.
Chitando neglected or was refusing to transfer mining claims from North Rand (Private) Limited to RioZim Limited.
The court further said the minister could avoid serving time in prison by taking steps to comply with the previous court judgements within a period of seven days.
Part of the ruling reads
Ironically, last year Chitando made news when he suspended 10 officials from the Mines Ministry over allegations of corruption and related malpractices in the awarding and administration of mining claims.
Chitando said the officials were suspended after his office had received numerous complaints from stakeholders and ordinary people over awarding and managing of mining claims.
Said Chitando at the time
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