Universal Confirms Nirvana, Elton John and Sonic Youth Masters Lost or Damaged in 2008 Vault Fire
Other affected artists include Michael McDonald and White Zombie
by Ross A. LincolnIn new court filings, Universal Music Group has confirmed that recording masters belonging to 19 different artists, among them Nirvana, Elton John and Sonic Youth, were damaged or destroyed in the 2008 fire at the center of a $100 million lawsuit.
The admission is the first time Universal has publicly confirmed the loss or damage of master recordings. The court papers, filed Thursday, also acknowledge damaged or destroyed masters recorded by Michael McDonald, Beck, R.E.M., Bryan Adams, You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead, Y&T, David Baerwald, Sheryl Crow, Jimmy Eat World, Les Paul, Soundgarden, Peter Frampton, Slayer, Suzanne Vega, Surfaris, and White Zombie.
Universal said however that at least for Adams, Nirvana, Y&T and Beck, safety copies exist for all the affected recordings.
In June, five plaintiffs — Soundgarden, Steve Earle, the estates of Tom Petty and Tupac and the band Hole — filed the lawsuit against UMG, accusing the label of not adequately protecting the master recordings and misrepresenting the extent of the damage from the fire to affected artists. The lawsuit asserted that affected artists are entitled to 50% of the money UMG received from successful litigation and insurance claims filed after the fire. The suit said the company did not disclose them.
Indeed, the court filings Thursday concern discovery in the case. At dispute is a document UMG filed in 2008 when seeking an insurance settlement for the 2008 fire — the company claimed at least 17,000 recordings were affected. Universal said in the papers that the document listed assets that were “potentially” affected, and the list was not intended to be definitive.
Hole was removed from the plantiffs in August, “solely based on UMG’s written assurances to Plaintiffs’ counsel that no Hole Master Recordings were lost in the Fire,” court filings said at the time. The four remaining plaintiffs are suing for breach of contract — revenue sharing, breach of contract — bailment, negligence, reckless conduct, conversion, and misrepresentation but omission. They claim the warehouse the masters (the original source from which all copies are produced) was a “firetrap.”
“UMG breached its duty of care through its negligence in storing the Master Recordings in the firetrap that was the Universal Studios backlot warehouse. And given UMG’s concealment of the loss of the Master Recordings for eleven years, it should be “presumed to have willfully, or by gross negligence, permitted the loss or injury to occur,” the lawsuit read.
The suit also says the plaintiffs are entitled to a percentage of the substantial funds UMG recovered from its insurance claims after the fire.
While UMG confirms that assets were lost in the fire, its continued focus is evaluating what was and wasn’t lost. The New York Times estimates assets from “hundreds more artists,” including Dr. Martin Luther King, were affected by the blaze.
in a statement provided to TheWrap, representatives for UMG said: “The plaintiffs’ lawyers have already been informed that none of the masters for four of their five clients were affected by the fire — and the one other client was alerted years earlier and UMG and the artist, working together, were still able to locate a high-quality source for a reissue project. Recognizing the lack of merit of their original claims, plaintiffs’ attorneys are now willfully and irresponsibly conflating lost assets (everything from safeties and videos to artwork) with original album masters, in a desperate attempt to inject substance into their meritless legal case. Over the last eight months, UMG’s archive team has diligently and transparently responded to artist inquiries, and we will not be distracted from completing our work, even as the plaintiffs’ attorneys pursue these baseless claims.”
Attorney Howard King, who represents the plaintiffs, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Pamela Chelin contributed to this report.

Even before the big time-jump twist was revealed on the pilot of "This Is Us," the tears were already flowing when it was revealed that one of Jack and Rebecca's triplets didn't make it through childbirth. Struck by a moment of inspiration in grieving, the Pearsons decide to adopt a baby who had been abandoned and showed up at the hospital on the same day.NBC

First, the show dropped the bombshell that Jack has been gone for so long that Randall's kids consider someone else entirely their "grandpa." We shouldn't have been surprised to learn, then, that the Pearson family patriarch is actually dead, and had been since about 2006. Kate seems to have a hard time moving on from it, still maintaining a tradition of watching every Steelers game with her dad -- even if it's just his ashes left now.NBC

We knew William was dying pretty early on, but that didn't make him trustworthy. It took Beth gently chiding Randall about his inherent goodness and William's shady behavior to get the truth out on the table: William isn't still doing drugs, he's been disappearing for hours on end each day in order to take the bus to his house to feed his cat. "Well now I feel like a bitch," Beth quipped, and we wept.NBC

The heartbreaking moments don't belong exclusively to the Pearsons. When Kate pushes, Toby reveals exactly why he's not with his gorgeous ex-wife Josie anymore: Turns out, she was so horrible to him that he became suicidal and gained 100 pounds in a year. Ouch.NBC

After being ostracized by her friends in the cruelest way possible, little Kate's spirit was brought back to life thanks to a bit of magical storytelling by Jack, who hands her his t-shirt and tells her she can be anything she wants when she wears it, though she's always a princess in his eyes. Who's chopping onions around here?NBC

Finding herself unable to bond with her adopted son after the death of one of her triplets, Rebecca seeks out the baby's birth father instead of telling her husband. Their heart-to-heart, where she refused his request for visitation and he gives her the inspiration to name the baby Randall, is one of the show's most gut-wrenching so far.NBC

When the Pearsons discover little Randall is gifted, it seems like a great thing, until Jack gets it out of him that he's been pretending to be not as smart as he is in order to fit in with his siblings.NBC

The Pearson patriarch decides to take the plunge and leave his steady job to open his own business - just as they get news that Randall is so smart he should attend a pricey private school. In the end, Jack puts his family first, taking a promotion he never wanted so his kids can thrive. Best. Dad. Ever.NBC

Though Olivia's delivery was less than ideal or compassionate, a revelatory weekend at their family cabin forces Kate to admit what she's truly afraid of: That even if she goes through with gastric bypass and loses weight, she'll still be unhappy.NBC

Only on this show could a bad hallucinogenic mushroom take the characters and the audience on a gut-wrenching emotional journey. As Randall reels from his mother's betrayal, a vision of his dead father takes him down memory lane to reveal just how hard and lonely it must have been for his mother to keep such a secret to herself.NBC

Just as Toby and Kate were joyfully reunited just in time for Christmas, he collapses, and ends up on an operating table. Cue hiatus and more potential heartbreak for the Pearsons.NBC

After grappling with why he has such a problem with William spending so much time with Jesse, the father-son duo have another heartbreaking conversation, where William confesses he can feel the end is coming, and he'd like to stop chemo so he can enjoy his final days.NBC

During a seemingly hokey fat camp exercise, Kate taps into some very real emotions, mostly about her father's death, and lets out a primal scream so heartbreaking we still can't get it out of our minds and ears.NBC

After an episode where their happy marriage was contrasted to Miguel and Shelly's crumbling relationship, Jack and Rebecca were left off on an ominous note when she revealed she wants to go on tour with her band -- led by ex-boyfriend Ben.NBC

The stress of work and William's impending death finally takes its toll on Randall, who has a full-blown breakdown. The scene is made all the more emotional when the ever-self-absorbed Kevin picks up on the strain in his brother's voice and races to his side to cradle him in his arms as he cries.NBC

William finally passes at the end of this heartbreaking episode, which centers around his road trip home to Memphis with Randall. The hour is spent going between flashbacks of his youth and the road he traveled to leave his mother and music career behind and get mixed up with drugs. Randall is with his biological father when he passes and the drive back home is both the most cathartic and heart-wrenching scene we've ever watched.NBC

Though the break was ultimately a very short one, as Rebecca soon came to pick Jack up from Miguel's place, the end of Season 1 left us on a cliffhanger as we wondered if and when Rebecca and Jack would reunite after a huge fight. Trying to keep from bawling for the next few months as we awaited the answer at the beginning of Season 2 was our biggest problem over the summer hiatus.NBC

This episode packed more of a punch than anyone was ready for, even though we found out at the end of the previous episode what was to come. Watching Kate lose her and Toby's baby in "Number Two" and the different ways they chose to grieve was truly a once in a lifetime TV experience. But it was definitely something we only wanna witness once.NBC

To say that Jack and his father had a tumultuous relationship would be an understatement. But when we saw him on his death bed we forgot all about their horrible history and watched Kate and Rebecca say goodbye to a man they never knew because Jack wasn't there.NBC

Seeing as we have yet to witness how these two lovebirds originally split, it was really hard to watch Kevin dump Sophie due to his new addiction. The two were high school sweethearts who divorced at a young age after Kevin cheated and we don’t know what went wrong but after this upsetting scene we don’t know if fans can handle seeing the first go round.NBC

Kevin developed an addiction to painkillers and alcohol following an on-set injury at the beginning of Season 2. After watching “Number One” and learning how his already bad knee was ruined during a football game — thus ending his dream career — the tears started flowing and haven’t let up since.NBC

Remember the time that Kevin was upset and drove off from his brother Randall’s house drunk? Yep, that was a dumb move. But what made it even worse was the little stowaway in the backseat. Yes, the midseason finale of Season 2 saw Kevin behind the wheel of a car while under the influence with Tess right there behind him. She snuck away when Randall and Beth were saying goodbye to Deja, a teenager they were fostering who was taken back by her biological mother. While we knew before the end of the episode everyone was safe (thank goodness), Kevin was arrested on a DWI -- in front of his niece. And of course Randall and Beth were waiting at home to kill him. Now these were probably some rage tears.NBC

“The Fifth Wheel” delivers one of the most tense moments of the series, when Rebecca and the Big Three enter a family therapy session while Kevin is in rehab. Kevin shares that he felt like a fifth wheel growing up because Kate had Jack and Randall had Rebecca (this is a scenario anyone who comes from a three-sibling family can probably relate to). Rebecca ends up admitting that yes, she was closer with Randall because he was “easier” to parent. It’s a tough blow, and everyone leaves the session pretty pissed at each other. But the siblings convene later on in the episode to look back objectively on their childhood and all is well, leaving us touched and sad all at once.NBC

Meanwhile, Toby, Beth and Miguel decide to get some drinks, as they are not invited to family therapy. They bond over feeling excluded from the crazy-tight bond the remaining Pearsons have with one another, and compare themselves to the side characters in “Star Wars.” But when Beth and Toby start to talk about how they were never able to meet Jack, and feel like his kids put him on a pedestal, Miguel sweeps in in Jack’s defense and shuts that conversation down -- reminding us, again, of the giant hole Jack left after his death.NBC

Kate and that dog. Have you ever seen someone more conflicted about something so adorable? We first learned of Kate’s serious issues with canine’s when she just couldn’t bring herself to adopt the cutest furry friend for her fiancé Toby, who desperately wants a dog of his own. She got so close to picking him up, but then bailed, prompting a heavy flood of tears from viewers. However, she ultimately decided making Toby happy was more important than her issues and the tears came even harder when she revealed the dog, Audio, to his new owner.NBC

We'd like to start out by saying sorry to both the fans and Crock-Pot for the amount of anguish this cost them. At the end of the episode "That'll Be the Day" -- which recounts Jack's last day alive, we find out that a very old slow cooker with a faulty switch was what ignited the fire that burned down the Pearson family home. Yes, Crock-Pot took the heat for that one to the point where Milo Ventimiglia and the show graciously stepped in to do a promo for the product to prove it was totally Jack Pearson-approved.NBC

In the big post-Super Bowl episode (aptly named “Super Bowl Sunday”), we finally learn the true cause of Jack’s death. Jack and the rest of the family make it out of the house fire safely, and Jack even had time to go back in to save Kate’s dog and a few other family keepsakes. But that’s just what turned out to be his downfall: he inhaled too much smoke, causing him to have a heart attack at the hospital and die unexpectedly. Mandy Moore delivers the most heartbreaking scene at the end of the episode when Jack dies: not only do we see her break down completely in the hospital, but she’s able to pull it together to tell the kids. The whole thing left us crying into our leftover guacamole from the Super Bowl.NBC

This whole episode was even harder to watch than “Super Bowl Sunday.” We’ve been ugly crying at every mention of Jack’s death since Season 1, but seeing Dr. K console Rebecca not only emphasized the fact that Jack was dead but reminded us that he was able to finally find love again after his wife died. When Rebecca took the kids to Jack’s tree, and then they all agree to go to the Bruce Springsteen concert in his honor, we were a puddle on the floor.NBC

Leave it to "This Is Us" to make an episode about bachelor and bachelorette parties about sibling love. In "Vegas, Baby" we see why Kate has never really become close with her sister-in-law Beth. Turns out, Kate and Randall were very close as teens -- Lean Pocket and "Sex & the City" viewing parties, of course -- and when he met Beth, she knew she'd "lose him." Of course Randall reassures his sister their bond just can't be broken. Also, he wasn't really a "Sex & the City" fan, he just watched it to spend time with Kate. Aww.NBC

What is it with falling in love with the grandparents on this show? In “This Big, Amazing, Beautiful Life,” we get to learn a lot more about Deja’s backstory and tough upbringing--and meet her amazing grandma Joyce, who mostly takes care of her because her mom, Shauna, was only 16 years old when she had Deja. When Joyce dies, it marks the point where things really start to go downhill for Deja and Shauna, and they end up sleeping in their car until Beth and Randall find them. When Shauna realizes Deja can have a better life living with the Pearsons and leaves in the middle of the night, it broke us all.NBC

In the Season 2 finale, Kate daydreams that instead of her own wedding, her parents Jack and Rebecca renew their vows. Fans got a glimpse of what old Jack would look like as he tells present-day Rebecca, "Where did the time go, Bec?" Well, obviously we can't even.NBC

At Toby and Kate's wedding, Toby's mom mistakes Deja for Randall's biological daughter, and let's just say the mistake does not make her happy. Deja's already upset, given that her mom's parental rights have been revoked, and she takes out her emotions by taking a baseball bat to her foster dad's fancy car -- which hits us right in the heart strings.NBC

As Kate walks down the aisle, we hear a voiceover of Jack talking to a younger "Katie-girl."
"One day, a long time from now, you're going to meet someone who's better than me," Jack tells her after she asks if she can marry him someday. "He's gonna be stronger, and handsomer, maybe better at board games than me. And when you find him, when you find that guy, that's the guy you're going to marry." But no one could be as strong and handsome as you, Jack!! Needless to say, this scene juxtaposed with Kate walking down the aisle had us in a puddle of tears.NBC

Hold. On. We've added a third timeline to this story? Of course we have. At the very end of the Season 2 finale, we get a quick glimpse of future Tess and an older Randall says ominously, "It's time to go see her, Tess."
Tess responds that she's not ready, and Randall says he's not either -- but we are ready to find out who the mystery "her" is. The scene is cut in a way that makes us think Beth might be dying (but that was ruled out by Susan Kelechi Watson herself) or something with Deja, but we know enough by now to expect a twist. Just seeing older Tess and Randall together is enough to make us teary. NBC

Slow cookers, road trips, miscarriages, house fires — where does it end?!?
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