Nevada volunteers have reportedly received 'few details' about the new 'caucus calculator'
by Brendan MorrowWill the Nevada Democratic caucuses be able to avoid the catastrophe of Iowa?
That's the question on everyone's mind eight days out, with early voting set to begin on Saturday. Although Nevada Democrats were originally set to use apps by the same company behind the disastrous Iowa one, CNN reports they'll now use a new tool that they've been "scrambling to promote": a "caucus calculator." Precinct chairs are to use this tool on iPads to "work out viability and delegate results during the caucuses by adding together caucus results and early vote data," CNN writes, although Nevada Democrats said Thursday "caucuses can operate without this calculator."
But on Friday, CNN reported that caucus workers and 2020 campaigns are getting "worried" that Nevada Democrats haven't provided many details about how the reporting process will work. "Caucus volunteers have yet to get their hands on the calculator even though they're the ones expected to use it on caucus day, and they have been given few details about it," according to the report.
Though training seminars have been held this week, one site lead told CNN that there's been "no training on the tool, how we get the voting data or how we get results to the party Saturday night."
A Democratic National Committee spokesperson insisted that "we are confident that [Nevada Democrats] are doing everything they can to implement the lessons that have been learned from this process." But a campaign aide told CNN that a "pretty short" Monday call with the Nevada Democratic Party provided didn't provide "a ton of info," with the aide saying, "We still have a lot more questions, and we are still frustrated."
The clock is ticking, as the Nevada caucuses will take place on Feb. 22.