Mandryk: Ready appointment another wise move by Moe gov't in FCL-Unifor dispute
Sometimes government wins by simply being seen as the voice of reason and the appointment of Vince Ready is infinitely reasonable.
by Murray MandrykGovernment parties seldom do well on issues that are outside their philosophical bailiwick. But when they do, it’s not only noticeable but also politically profitable.
For example, the former NDP government’s encouragement of potash and oil expansion through favourable royalty regimes afforded the former administration crucial credibility — instead of the usual skepticism — within the conservative business community. Sometimes, government wins by simply neutralizing its natural critics.
In a similar vein, Premier Scott Moe may be winning with his well-measured responses in the Co-operative Refinery Complex-Unifor labour dispute/lock-out — the latest move being the appointment of veteran mediator Vince Ready to dedicate 20 days to mediating this dispute.
To suggest that the move will sway labour towards the Sask. Party would be to considerably overstate matters. Generally speaking, labour is no more likely to vote Sask. Party than business is to vote NDP.
Moreover, many in labour have long memories and reminders like Moe’s eagerness last December to see CN workers legislated back to work stir up unpleasant memories that started with Bills 5 and 6. Add in today’s rancour over contract talks with the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF) that may be headed towards disruption in the classrooms, notwithstanding the release Thursday of the conciliation committee report.
That said, what’s also undeniable is the conservative streak in many unionized workers, especially rank-and-file, private sector unionized workers who — like those in the Unifor lockout — are arguably less interested in the philosophical issues in play and more interested in the mundane, everyday matters of a decent income and a decent retirement package.
Lengthy labour disputes where considerable wages are sacrificed to the picket line and where a business’s revenues are also being lost are driven by a sense of desperation on one or both sides. In such unreasonable circumstances, sometimes government wins by simply being seen as the voice of reason. The appointment of Vince Ready is infinitely reasonable.
For starters, Ready’s curriculum vitae places the arbitrator/mediator’s credentials beyond reproach — something not often said in this social media age and something certainly not said in this particular dispute where the police, media or anyone caught in the middle have been unfairly targeted by vested interests.
There isn’t an area (energy, pensions, construction, railways, grain movement, forestry, First Nations, education, health, etc.) in which Ready hasn’t been involved since getting into the mediation/arbitration business in 1982 —a move that came after years as a union representative. There is simply no one better.
That Ready may be Unifor’s last and best chance for a way out also should not be missed. Clearly, Unifor is running out of options in this 71-day lockout, especially in the wake of Wednesday’s court ruling fining Unifor 594 $250,000 for contempt. It was the union that called for a mediator and it’s been Unifor who has praised Moe for choosing Ready. How often has a union praised anything a Sask. Party government has done? What more does one really need to say about how well Moe has handled this file?
On Wednesday, Moe skirted around the notion of what happens if Ready is unsuccessful in getting the framework of a settlement in the 20-day window that starts Monday. But it’s worth noting the end of Ready’s 20-day window puts us a week into the spring sitting of the legislature but before both the provincial budget and the start of spring seeding where fuel delivery becomes an even bigger issue.
That puts Moe and the Sask. Party government in an excellent position to use the next and final option of back-to-work legislation, a move that would be popular among those outside this dispute.
Whether Moe even wants to use that option remains to be seen (clearly, FCL doesn’t want it), but it is interesting that he’s put himself in a position where he may be able to use that hammer (or perhaps the threat thereof) without the usual condemnation.
Moe has made some noticeably wise moves in this labour dispute.
Mandryk is the political columnist for the Regina Leader-Post.