Borderlands 3 February Update is now available, increases level cap, full patch notes revealed
by John PapadopoulosGearbox has released the February Update for Borderlands 3. This update increases the level cap from 50 to 53, giving you three additional skill points to add to your skill trees. It also adds several highly requested feature updates, such as True Takedown Mode, skippable cutscenes, and event toggling.
Going into more details, with the February patch players can skip all cutscenes in the game, whether you’ve seen the cutscene before or not. This can functionality is available in both solo or multiplayer modes.
On the other hand, this update adds True Takedown Mode to the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite. Thus, there is now a way to re-enable the original version of the Takedown scaled to 4 players. Future Takedowns will also launch with both modes enabled.
It’s also worth noting that this update implements multiple performance optimizations and audio performance optimizations. It also addresses multiple reported crashes and multiple reported memory crashes.
Lastly, the February Update adds an Event Toggle. It also allows you to turn off individual Guardian Ranks or the whole system.
As always, Epic Games Store will download this patch the next time you launch its client. You can also find below its complete changelog.
Borderlands 3 February Update Release Notes
• Addressed multiple reported crashes
• Addresses multiple reported memory crashes
• Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when updating the position of the dueling timer during a level transition
• Also addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when there is no player character while spectating in the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite
• Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur when hijacking a vehicle
• Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur after extended hours of play
• Also addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur during combat in Athenas
• Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur during combat in Atlas HQ
• Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur in a multiplayer game in The Droughts
• Addresses a reported crash that could sometimes occur when loading into a map when Campaign Matchmaking
• Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when elements react in bodies of water
• Addressed a reported freeze that could sometimes occur during garbage collection
• Also addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when using Iron Bear
• Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur after respawning a vehicle and then using the CAR station before the vehicle spawns
• Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when holding both the left and right arrow keys while on the Skills tab of the ECHO menu on PC
• Addresses a rare crash that could sometimes occur when quitting to desktop after another user disconnects during multiplayer on PC
• Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when a host selected Quit to Portal on Stadia
• Addressed a reported memory leak on map transitions
We are continuing to work on additional stability and performance updates for future patches.
• Implemented multiple performance optimizations
• Implemented multiple audio performance optimizations
• Addressed reported performance issues encountered when players are pushed by another user’s vehicle
• Addressed a reported performance issue when fighting enemies at Lumberton Junction in Floodmoor Basin
• Addresses reported performance issues when scrolling through Guardian Rank Menu icons quickly
• Added weight to the Guardian Rank random reward selection to favor reward options with less tokens applied to them
• Addressed a reported concern that some missions were not awarding their cosmetic item rewards
• Addresses a reported concern that players could be granted starting gear that was far beyond their level
• Addressed a reported concern that a player in spectator mode would occasionally lose functionality when the Takedown host fast traveled to a different map
• Also addressed a reported concern that a Second Wind would occasionally reset the Takedown mission after players had failed the mission
• Addressed a reported concern that players were occasionally respawning at the incorrect checkpoint in Meridian Outskirts
• Addressed a reported concern that the player character on the character select menu would be positioned incorrectly when a player late joins a multiplayer game on Skywell-27
• Addresses a reported concern that the weapon Tiggs Boom was spawning projectiles in the wrong location
• Increased the chance of Tiggs Boom to spawn a projectile
• Addressed a reported concern that Anointed Enforcer’s shield would occasionally disappear and make the enemy appear vulnerable when they were not
• Addressed a reported concern that third-person healing effects could occasionally scale larger than intended
• Also addressed a reported concern that players were occasionally being teleported to random places during cutscenes when standing on specific spots in a map
• Addressed a reported concern that item cards would occasionally remain present on the screen after picking up an item
• Also addressed a reported concern with incorrect key glyphs showing when returning to the Main Menu on Stadia
• Nativized previous hot fixes
• Addressed a perceived progression blocker after entering Lectra City from another map after completing the “Collect Batteries” objective of “Kill KillaVolt”
• Addresses a perceived progression blocker that occasionally occurred during the “Return toppings to Tina” objective of “Hammerlocked”
• Addressed a perceived progression blocker that could sometimes occur after leaving and re-entering the map during the “Check dead drop” objective of “Going Rogue”
• Also addressed a reported concern where dialog could be repeatedly triggered if the player loaded into another map while on the objective “Take alternate path” during “Footsteps of Giants” on Desolation’s Edge
• Addressed a perceived progression blocker during the “Loot Vault” objective with Typhon during “Footsteps of Giants”
• Addressed a reported concern where a player with active missions could start a session with no tracked mission if their previously tracked mission could not be tracked
• Addressed a reported concern that the “Emergency Response” perk was increasing Shield Recharge Delay, rather than decreasing it
• Addressed a reported concern that the crowd audio was sometimes coming from a separate location while chasing down Carnivora
• Added blockers to prevent players from occasionally escaping the map without dying when jumping off the edge of a cliff in Carnivora
• Addressed a reported concern that players could walk through a wall of rocks in Carnivora
• Added blockers to prevent players from escaping the map near the Apollyon Transit Station New-U in Neon Arterial
• Addressed a reported concern that the Gunner could sometimes get stuck in the second area of the Proving Grounds
• Addresses a reported concern that players could occasionally escape the Skag of Survival boss area in The Proving Grounds
• Addressed a reported concern that the Siren could escape the map while using the “Downfall” ability in Cistern of Slaughter and the Destroyer’s Rift
• Addressed a reported concern that the final satellite dish would not appear for the player to destroy at certain distances during “Bad Reception”
• Also addressed a reported concern that players were unable to break an Eridium crystal cluster in Ambermire
• Addressed a reported concern where aim assist was snapping aggressively on the center of an enemy when fighting the Blue Fire and Red Rain boss enemies during “Slaughterstar 3000”