Man called Storm Denniss trolled by people begging him not to ruin their homes
by Faye BrownA British man whose name is Storm Denniss has been bombarded with abusive messages as a storm named Dennis approaches the UK.
Brits are braced for a month of rainfall and 80mph winds when the disruptive weather hits for the second weekend in a row tomorrow.
Ever since the gale was named Dennis on Tuesday, Storm Denniss, 24, has been menaced by strangers pleading him not to wreak havoc on their homes and gardens.
The furniture maker, from Whitby, has received more than 50 threatening Facebook messages from people angry about the weather.

One said: ‘Alright mate, not being funny but if you’re planning on blowing sh*t around my town this week you better think twice! FFS Dennis think about it.’
Another wrote: ‘Hey Storm Dennis don’t be showing your face at the weekend I don’t want to be blown over and be rolling downhill like sonic the hedgehog.’
A third man said: ‘Don’t be selfish to others go anger management before the weekend I’m begging you.’
A fourth wrote: ‘Heard you’re sending a storm this weekend don’t bother we don’t want it w*nker.’

Thankfully Storm (the person), is taking it all in jest and believes people are just having a laugh despite the coarse language.
He said: ‘I found it hilarious when the storm was named after me and my family started making jokes about it.
‘The next day I started getting random messages from people I’ve never even heard of. They went into my spam folder on Facebook.
‘People are definitely messaging me in a light-hearted way and I will get more because the storm has not even started yet.
‘I’ve had loads of messages from people calling me names. I just sit there scrolling through it and find it hilarious. I know people aren’t being serious and are just having a laugh.’

Despite the onslaught of insults, the 24-year-old said it was ‘cool’ to be named after a storm and hopes this weekend’s wash-out will be ‘one to remember’.
‘I will keep my eye on how the storm progresses and I won’t be able to escape these messages until it’s over’ he said.
‘I imagine if it does cause damage then it’ll only get worse too.
‘I am concerned about how much damage it will cause and I do hope it won’t be too bad.’
The Met Office have issued yellow and amber warnings across the country ahead of Dennis, which comes after Storm Ciara left hundreds of homes flooded and more than 500,000 without power.
Although this weekend’s weather is expected to be less severe, many are still reeling from the brutal winds and rains that battered the country last week and some have taken their frustration out on Storm.
Other messages he received have included one which said: ‘I swear if you wreak my garden like Ciara I’m gonna f***ing flip!!!’
Another wrote: ‘Please don’t f*** my fence this weekend! Only just been repaired.’
A third said: ‘Hi can you do me a favour and try avoiding west Yorkshire this week we have already had a battering with the weather this past week. Thanks.’