Don't bug the herons!
by Jon Manchester
New signs will go up to discourage trespassers from disturbing Vernon's beloved herons.
Jane Weixl and Rita Bos of theĀ Vernon Heron Protection Society convinced theĀ Greater Vernon Advisory Committee to pony up for six new signs around the heronry in the North End of Vernon, near Walmart.
GVAC chair Akbal Mund says the delegation at Wednesday's night's meeting noted signs put up years ago have since deteriorated or gone missing.
The great blue herons are a protected species, and have been nesting on Bos's property since the late 1980s.
"We wanted to make a decision right away on this," said Mund. "We want those signs up the sooner the better, as soon as the snow melts."
He noted cottonwood saplings planted at the Swan Lake Nature Reserve will take about 20 years to mature, but the hope is the herons will move there eventually, as development in North End continues to encroach on the birds' favoured stand of trees.
Mund said trespassing in the protected area is not by homeless campers, but rather people looking to steal parts off several old cars there. The lot was previously used as a towing yard.