Kids donate to Soupateria
by Chelsea Powrie
A group of Wiltse Elementary School students in Penticton wanted to spread the love this Valentines Day.
The Grade 3 class decided to do something special for the clients at the Soupateria, Penticton's downtown soup kitchen.
"They made 50 bags filled with goodies and all the bags have drawings on them and little messages," said Soupateria executive director Lori Lalonde.
She was thrilled to hear their plans earlier this week, and invited them down to the soup kitchen to donate the gifts in person.
The whole class couldn't come, so three students were selected by drawing popsicle sticks to accompany the principal Jeff Redden.
Lalonde said the kits were decorate all over with messages of love, including things like "You are special!"
The kids said their mission was simple, telling her:
"We just wanted to do something really nice for people."