Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
The Week's Best: Stories You May Have Missed
by RFE/RLWe know that isn't the only website you read, and it's possible that you may have missed some of our most interesting journalism from the past week. To make sure you're up-to-date, here are some of the highlights produced by RFE/RL's team of correspondents, multimedia editors, and visual journalists over the past seven days.

Dim The Lights And Cue The Revisionism: Russia Turns Holocaust Remembrance Into Political Theater
Dim the lights and cue the revisionism. Russia's latest effort to rewrite the historical narrative of World War II was on a global stage at the World Holocaust Forum, leading organizers to issue a belated apology for films that left out crucial developments, such as the Nazi-Soviet pact to carve up Poland and the Baltics. By Michael Scollon
'Terrifying': Eyewitnesses Recall Kazakh Ethnic Violence As Ruins Smolder
Security forces were deployed amid charred buildings and torched vehicles after deadly ethnic clashes in southern Kazakhstan. Ten people were killed in clashes which began on February 7, prompting thousands of ethnic Dungans to flee across the border into neighboring Kyrgyzstan, although hundreds have returned. By Ray Furlong and RFE/RL's Kazakh and Kyrgyz services

'Unthinkable Things': Documenting The Scars Of Ukraine's Prisoners Of War
Associated Press contributor Zoya Shu, a photographer who is based in Kyiv, has been covering Ukraine's conflict with Russia-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine, documenting the fate of prisoners of a war that has claimed more than 13,000 lives since it began in 2014. By Oleksandra Vagner

Despite Putin's Promises, Many Large Russian Families Feel Abandoned By The State
For years now, Russian President Vladimir Putin has been urging Russians to have more children and promising targeted state aid to support them. But families in the far northern city of Severodvinsk say many of those benefits have yet to reach them and when they complain, local officials say, "No one asked you to have so many children." By Irina Fokina and Robert Coalson

'The Most-Fearful Nightmare': 75 Years After The Bombing Of Dresden
In the final winter of World War II, Allied bombers reduced one of Germany's most elegant cities to rubble, killing tens of thousands and sparking a bitter debate over whether the attack was justified. By Amos Chapple
Sick, Alone, Abroad, And 4 Years Old
When 4-year-old Kainat fell ill with meningitis in Afghanistan, her parents wanted to take her to Pakistan for immediate treatment. But they had no visas, and had to send her unaccompanied to the other side of the border. After RFE/RL's Radio Mashaal published a report on the sick child, a Pakistani official stepped forward to make sure she would be reunited with her family. By RFE/RL's Radio Mashaal

Perfect Match: Tajik Moms Donate Livers To Save Each Other's Dying Daughters
Ruhshona Akhmedova and Zarnigor Sangova were cautiously introduced last month by doctors from a Tajik organ-transplant center. They hit it off immediately. They had to. By Barot Yusufi, Sarvinozi Ruhulloh, and Andy Heil
Who Are The Dungans Of Central Asia?
Thousands of ethnic Dungans have fled ethnic violence in Kazakhstan. They originally came to Central Asia after an unsuccessful revolt against Chinese rule in the 19th century, and maintain a unique language, cuisine, and culture. By Ray Furlong and RFE/RL's Kazakh and Kyrgyz services

Russia's 'Heinous' Sentencing Of Seven Activists Sparks Social Media Outrage
A Russian regional court’s "heinous" sentencing of seven activists to long prison terms has ignited outrage on social media, with some people drawing parallels to the show trials of the Stalinist era. By RFE/RL's Russian Service and Todd Prince

How A Harrowing Family Story Became Russia's Talk-Show Sensation
After three teenage sisters in Moscow confessed to killing their abusive father in July 2018, viewers across Russia turned to their TV screens to watch the investigation unfold on the country's talk-show circuit. But the treatment of the family at the center of the tragedy has been criticized as insensitive, and provoked a broader debate about what's acceptable on air. By Matthew Luxmoore
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