Irish language streetnames and a trip from Derry to the Gaeltacht
by Robert McMillenA motion on Irish language street signs put before Belfast City Council last Thursday has gone before the People and Communities Commitee and will now go to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee at the end of the month and back to the full council in March.
Sinn Féin counsellor, Séanna Walsh said that currently, the policy is that a third of the eligible electorate in a street is needed to sign a petition which starts the process.
A letter is then sent to everyone in that street who is on the electoral register asking if they consent to have bilingual signage installed.
The resident has three options, namely, Yes, No and Don’t Care.
Two-thirds of the total electorate in the street need to consent to yes.
If a letter is not returned, it is considered by the Council as a “no” the bilingual signage. Furthermore, while a “Don’t Care”, is also considered to be a negative.
Cllr Walsh is happy that the third of the eligible eIectorate needed to initiate the process remain but wants to change the policy “to reflect that it will be the majority of respondents to the survey that will decide if the process has been successful.
“Therefore, it will be 50%+1 respondents that wilI determine if the petition to erect bilingual signage has been successfuI.
“Non-respondents will not be considered as a negative response; and those respondents who reply “Don’t Care” are not considered a negative response and will be treated as a void vote.”
Beidh le feiceáil.
:: CULTÚRLANN Uí Chanáin in Derry are planning another trip to Teach Jack, in the Donegal Gaeltacht this May.
There will be a bus leaving Derry on Friday evening, 22 May and returning on Sunday 24 May.
The cost of the trip will be £125pp and included in the cost is two nights B&B, an evening meal, classes, céilí and transport to and from Gaoth Dobhair.
A £60 depsoit is required by the 30th of April to secure your spot.
Cultúrlann Uí Chanáin are also hosting an Oíche Ghaelach at 8pm on Saturday 28 March at An Croí in Cultúrlann Uí Chanáin.
The night will feature a 3- course meal and live music.
There are 100 tickets available at £30 each, available at Cultúrlann Uí Chanáin.