Syrian Army approaches important town to cutoff last militant supply line from Aleppo to Idlib
by News DeskBEIRUT, LEBANON (12:45 P.M.) – The situation in northwestern Syria is getting worse by the day for the militant forces, as they now find themselves on the verge of losing their last supply line between Idlib and Aleppo.
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According to a Syrian military source in the provincial capital of Aleppo, the Syrian Arab Army is approaching the strategic town of Al-Atareb, which is located along the main road between Aleppo and Reyhanli (Turkish city).
This approach is imperative because Al-Atareb is one of the last towns along the roadway leading to the Kafr Lousen Crossing at the Turkish border.
Should the Syrian Army capture Al-Atareb and push Sarmada, the entire militant-held pocket in northwestern Syria will be split in two, with Aleppo and Idlib only being accessible from Turkish territories.
There is a strong possibility that should the Syrian Army capture Al-Atareb and make a push towards Sarmada, the Turkish Armed Forces could intervene, especially given that their troops use the Kafr Lousen Crossing quite frequently.
Furthermore, the presence of several IDP camps along the this border region also causes for concern, as Turkey has made it clear they want these areas to be military-free zones.
It is not clear whether or not the Syrian military will attempt to seize the areas west of Al-Atareb, but their new advance in western Aleppo will likely be one of the main topics of discussion between the Turkish and Russian officials this weekend.