My Hero Academia: [SPOILER] Watches Deku As He Sleeps (Here's Why)
by Anthony GramugliaWARNING: The following contains spoilers for My Hero Academia Episode 80, "Relief for License Trainees," now streaming on Crunchyroll, Funimation, VRV and Hulu.
My Hero Academia is, for the most part, a pretty down-to-earth series about teenagers with superpowers. Very rarely does the series venture into anything creepy or weird beyond the expected sort of adventures teenage heroes would embark on. You don't expect, therefore, to watch an episode of this particular shonen anime where one character watches another person in his bed alone at night, sleeping, unaware of the watchful eyes outside the glass.
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So, when this creepy occurrence happens in Episode 80, one might reasonably ask... Why?! Why is Aoyama watching Deku as he sleeps?
Aoyama Watches Deku as He Sleeps

In Episode 80, we start by seeing Aoyama offering Deku cheese before lunch -- or, rather, Aoyama hand-feeding Deku cheese. This strikes Deku as odd, but not odd enough to cause alarm.
However, when he finds a spread of the same cheese Aoyama fed him outside on his window balcony, arranged in a way that spells out the phrase "I know," Deku has more than enough reason to actually be alarmed. Aoyama, as it turns out, had been outside his window that night, watching him as he slept.
Naturally, this freaks Deku out and makes him afraid every time he's in the same room as Aoyama, despite the fact that Aoyama, in public, is acting absolutely normally. Deku has fought off against villains time and time again, but this is too much for even him to handle.
Aoyama's Explanation Is Actually Wholesome

During a Quirk training lesson, Aoyama gets sick using his quirk, which leads Deku to take advantage of the situation. He takes Aoyama aside and, when alone, asks him why he was outside of his window the night before.
It turns out that Aoyama had no clue just how creepy standing outside a person's room is, and just wanted to leave a "surprise" for Deku. Aoyama identifies with Deku because, like Deku, his Quirk causes him discomfort when he uses it. On top of that, he needs to wear a device to contain his belly button powers, or else energy will leak out from his navel. He has always related to Deku in this sense, and just wanted to get to know him better.
This, of course, begs the question as to why he thought leaving vague messages outside a person's window at night was a good idea. It's possible that Aoyama would have liked someone to do that for him, which invites many more questions about Aoyama's world view and general perspective on human behavior; indicating that Aoyama might have no concept of appropriate social decorum.
However, it also eliminates any possibility that he did this out of malice. Once Deku thanks him for the surprise, his relationship with Aoyama actually improves. While Aoyama did watch Deku as he slept, his stalking was entirely platonic and, more importantly, harmless.
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