Zimbabweans ready for Kasukuwere to lead them
by Ntokozo MsiphaInflation in Zimbabwe has gone past the 500% mark, while salaries remain stagnant. A number of households are currently living below the poverty datum line and the future seems bleak for the 90% of the population who are unemployed. The question on the streets from Zambezi to Limpopo is what do we do as a people, do we have hope?
Most political pundits and analysts have placed their bets on dialogue between Nelson Chamisa and Emmerson Mnangagwa as the solution to the problems faced by the nation.
However young people disagree with the notion of dialogue as a solution. Young people have argued that both Nelson Chamisa and Emmerson Mnangagwa failed to garner a combined total of 7 million votes which would have placed them at around 50% of the total population. The implication is that both parties do not have the backing of the majority therefore we cannot look to them for any solution to the nation's problems.
What do young people want?
Young people want a leader who understands the military apparatus of Zimbabwe, statecraft as a whole and carries economic goodwill from owners of investment capital. While Nelson Chamisa has served as a cabinet minister he does not grasp the intricacies of statecraft in Zimbabwe and is viewed as a novice who won't be able to unite the extremely polarized nation.
Young people in Zimbabwe have touted and continue to insist on Saviour Kasukuwere, former Minister of Local government as a leader who can steer the national ship out of the crocodile infested waters.
Young people Movements accross the country and political divide are calling for generational renewal and a youthful and charismatic Saviour Kasukuwere presidency. At first it felt like a bad joke, then the messages intensified and a video emerged explaining the basics that Kasukuwere stands for. The intensity of the messages got many wondering and forced majority of citizens to consider deeply of a Kasukuwere campaign and what it means.
Who is Saviour Kasukuwere was the first question that came to mind
Born 23 September 1970 he is currently 49 years old. Affectionately known as Tyson, Big Ty, Bulldozer or Chirandu, he is married with 3 children.
Saviour Kasukuwere well respected role model high flyer who bagged major political and business achievements from his days as a youth. Saviour Kasukuwere worked for the Presidents Department (CIO) and left to pursue his own business ventures in 1994 at the age of 24, 5 years later Kasukuwere was elected the Youth Chairman of Mashonaland Central at the age of 29. At 31 "Tyson" would go on to be elected to the Zanu PF Politburo as Deputy Secretary for Youth Affairs in 2001. He was re-elected in 2005 and appointed into the Politburo.
Indegenisation history
Saviour Kasukuwere founded his businesses in 1994 and was part of the Affirmative Action Group AAG with the who's who of the business community such as the late Peter Pamire, Philip Chiyangwa and David Chapfika. The AAG had a rival organisation the Indegenous Business Development Centre IBDC which was led by John Mapondera. The IBDC had gurus such as Strive Masiyiwa and Chemist Siziba.
Saviour Kasukuwere was a foot soldier of the black people empowerment Indegenisation drive from as early as 1994. He was part of a broader movement which had people like Strive Masiyiwa who believed in and advocated for the empowerment of local black people from a venture capital perspective. It came as no surprise when Saviour Kasukuwere was appointed by President Robert Mugabe to lead government on the Indegenisation drive as Minister responsible for Youth, Indegenisation and Economic Empowerment.
Kasukuwere was criticized for advancing the controversial Indigenisation Act that required foreign-owned companies to cede 51% of their shares to local communities. Though this was the drive that had been advanced by John Mapondera, Strive Masiyiwa and others long before Kasukuwere was appointed minister.
Kasukuwere's stance on Indegenisation was not supported by M.D.C partners in the Government of National Unity (GNU). MDC argued that the law will frighten investors. Kasukuwere argued that the law will create employment for Zimbabweans as the people demanded economic empowerment.
It was no surprise, therefore, that some old guard defenders of white monopoly capital celebrated after Kasukuwere was removed from the ministry in 2013, while the youth mourned it as a loss for the youth black people as the ministry went on to get Ministers who put out the youth empowerment flame.
From Indegenisation Kasukuwere was moved to Environment, climate change and water before being moved to the Ministry of Local government.
Saviour Kasukuwere has been accused of being a G40 kingpin though many do not understand what G40 is or was and what it stood for or believed in. G40 originally began as a group of younger cabinet ministers and politburo members who became friends as they were of the same age group or generation. They grew to be known as the Generation 40.
Generation 40 grew in popularity and relevance when Barack Obama won the American elections in 2008. Obama was in his forties and a wave of younger leaders was sweeping across the globe and G40 was viewed as potential successor to the generation of war veterans. G40 was at one time reffered to as the Obama project with Kasukuwere being labelled as Obama by young people.
Saviour Kasukuwere began building his empire in the 90s and was on a successful path even before cabinet or politburo appointments. He owns Comoil, UTC, Concorpia farm among other successful business ventures. He was facing a legal battle with the Mnangagwa who had placed a corruption tag on him, however he was cleared of any wrongdoing by the highest court in Zimbabwe. Many sections have viewed it for what it is, a political battle more than it is a legal battle.
Zimbabweans are ready to be led on the actual fight against corruption which has crippled the country. The so called cartels are in real terms state capture, all arms of the state are captured, the country needs to be liberated again.
Millions of Zimbabweans have thrown their weight and hopes on Saviour Kasukuwere to lead them in the fight for liberation of their country. From Zanupf strongholds in rural areas to opposition strong hold areas in the urban areas, from Mashonaland to Ama Ndebele regions, there is a unity of notion for Saviour Kasukuwere to lead the people. In the many meetings that movements supporting generational renewal Kasukuwere led mandate citizens are heard singing Chimurenga war time songs like " Mkoma Tyson tora sabhu tiende chauya chauya" Loosely translated to mean we are ready to fight for our country at what ever cost.
Political analysts have stated that is a fact that the number one strength that 'Tyson' has is the ability and willingness of all Zimbabweans young and old to unite for him and behind him.
Saviour Kasukuwere has received endorsements from the region with powerhouses such as the ANC and Julius Malema who is the Commander in Chief of the Economic Freedom Front who also have a branch in Zimbabwe giving him a platform.
International Economic rating agencies are carrying out a research on the possibility of Zimbabwe coming out of economic blues under a youthful Saviour Kasukuwere government.The research is looking at factors such as - the ability of Tyson to create a peaceful economic environment in Zimbabwe, the skills of young people ready to serve their country under his leadership, willingness to fight corruption, international support from owners of capital and investors among other factors. Preliminary findings indicate a 70-85% chance of a economic sound Zimbabwe in five years of Tyson wabantu leadership.
Several key religious leaders have nicodemously approached the #TysonWabantu offering support and endorsements for the movement.
Diaspora Business Forum also threw their weight behind Saviour Kasukuwere, it is also alleged that the Ndebele King Bulelani a descendant of Lobengula is set to meet with Kasukuwere and discuss the empowerment of the people of Mthwakazi, should this meeting happen it would be the first high level meeting for the young Bulelani as he moves to assert his power and authority over the Mzilikazi Kingdom.
Prophets have come out with their own Prophecies saying Kasukuwere is set to lead.
Zimbabweans are ready to be led to return their country back to basics. A country where there is no coupons for mealie meal, where it's working class earn regional bench mark wages and salaries, where public health systems are functional and can be accessed by all , where there is bread and butter on breakfast tables of all families, where parents can afford to send their kids through school. Zimbabweans are ready to be led to rebuild their country to a state where things just work Simple!!