I propose a new tradition for Valentine’s Day
Right now, someone somewhere is expecting to be showered with love, or to make their spouse’ day worthwhile. I propose showing love to the community.
by Deborah GbenroCorrect me if I am wrong, but traditionally this day is one for lovers to celebrate only.
If I may add to that, back in primary and high school it was a day to wear civvies, red and white.
Then we attended a glorious concert in the main hall or something to that effect.
The young couples bought themselves roses, teddy bears, chocolates or whatever else was available.
Kids like me wore black and pink to school, and got our friends to buy us roses just so that it would feel like it came from a loved one.

Otherwise you bought it yourself. I will save you the rest of the detail. Sigh…
I do hope someone, somewhere, will take time to spoil me today; it’s been 23 years of buying gifts for myself, or get nothing.
Otherwise, it is not a train smash. When my eight-year-old sister and three-year-old niece return from school, I will spend the rest of the day on a play date with them, or even better, I will attend their school concert.
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I do look like a 16-year-old. I will definitely fit in.
My thoughts of celebrating the day over the years have been centred around having someone special take time out to shower gifts and love on me.
At least that is what I have seen and learned over the years. And in the past years, well, there has not been one person to do that for me, so it is just a heartbreaking day.
Did you notice that spending time with my siblings sounded like the boring plan to which I will resort, if no other plans pop up again this year.

You see, something is not right with my chain of thoughts.
Who made the rule that love should be reduced to sharing it with one person? For the day to be special, you have to be spoiled rotten by one person, or you have to spoil someone.
Worst case scenario, you have to spend the whole day with one person, stuffing yourself with chocolate.
Plus, receiving a bunch of red, pink or white roses you plan to throw away the next day. And a teddy bear you do not want anymore after a week.
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Or even worse, you are the poor partner that spent all the money that will not be remembered in case you did a thing wrong on the day.
Do not get me wrong, people make beautiful memories on this special day with their partners, family and friends. But why let having unnecessary expectations or meeting expectations ruin your day?
So, how about you make this day grand, by genuinely spreading love to everyone and everything that comes your way?

Smile the brightest, wave, shake hands, and kiss anyone, if you can.
If you are home, do a little dance with a #standingbroom. Use your hair brush as a microphone and sing so loud until the neighbors come knocking, and then invite them in to sing along.
Laugh till your stomach hurts. Spend time with friends and family, pets, and strangers.
This why some people do not celebrate Valentine’s Day
Do whatever gladdens your heart.
Make it such a beautiful day that you look forward to it next year.
I really think this should be the new Valentine’s Day tradition. We make memories all day long.
To anyone who still has to spend it alone, may you find comfort in showering yourself with love.