What is ‘skin fasting’ and is it good for you?
by Lifestyle DeskBy: Lifestyle Desk | New Delhi | Published: February 14, 2020 4:10:21 pm

When you go on a skin fast, you help improve the natural maintenance system of the skin and detox it. (Source: Getty/Thinkstock)
When it comes to skincare, there is no formula. Every skin is different and, therefore, reacts differently to skincare products. The texture of the skin also changes with the changing seasons, making you switch to different products so as to keep up. And while different trends come and go, one thing that has stayed constant is the idea that the skin, just like the rest of the body, needs a breather, too. Which is why it is important to go on a ‘skin fast’ every now and then. Here is what you need to know.
What is it?
As the name suggests, the idea is to take a break from your skincare routine, so as to improve the way it functions. The skin has natural oils, and experts say that when you go on a skin fast, you help improve the natural maintenance system of the skin and detox it. There is nothing complex about it; you can so much as skip your night cream or moisturizer for one night. Or you could hold back from using skincare products for a few days. While there is not much scientific evidence to prove it, the idea is to make the skin less dependent on products, so it can inherently take better care of itself.

You can benefit from skin fasting if you are not really certain the products you use are good for you. (Source: Getty/Thinkstock)
Should you try it?
You could, if you do not have an pre-existing skin condition that requires you apply some medicated product. Talk to your dermatologist before trying it. Also, keep in mind that the skin may be used to these products that serve it with essential ingredients that it needs to stay healthy. By going on a skin fast, you may leave the skin more vulnerable. For instance, you absolutely cannot skip sunscreen lotion when stepping out in the daytime.
The benefits
You can benefit from skin fasting if you are not really certain the products you use are good for you. Especially if your skin begins to react negatively. If a skincare product is making your skin harsh and dry, or causing an acne breakout, it is best to go on a fast and figure out what will suit it better. The right combination of products can actually help your skin and not make you want to go on a fast.
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