Tipperary girl Sophie, 7, is hoping to make her dream come true
Her smile just brightens the darkest of days
by Tipperary Star reporterA Tipperary mother has launched a fundraising drive to help her daughter have a life-changing operation in the United States.
Edel Breen has launched a GoFundMe cmpaign to raise the €100,000 needed for an operation on her seven-year-old daughter Sophie, who is suffering from spastic diplegia cerebral palsy.
Her CP effects mainly her legs and causes pain and tightness due to the spasticity.
Sophie was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when she was three years old and her condition has slowly been getting worse and deteriorating her health.
She has been accepted for life changing surgery in St Louis Children’s Hospital in Missouri and will hopefully undergo selective dorsal rhizotomy surgery next year under Dr Park, the most experienced surgeon in the world to provide patients with this life-changing surgery. SDR is only offered by a handful of pediatric hospitals.
Sophie’s wish is to get the funds to go to America for the biggest and best change of her life. The surgery will stop further deterioration and reduce spasticity.
The surgery will improve Sophie’s movement and durability and will also allow her to be more active and hopefully be able to get involved in sports and activities like all her friends, but, most importantly, it will save her from pain and discomfort.
Sophie is in first class at Kilbarron National School, and mother Edel said her daughter is known for being a happy, bright, bubbly little girl as she is always smiling.
“She is so kind and caring and has such a big heart,” said Edel.
While Sophie doesn’t enjoy physio or wearing a splint, she always has a smile on her face she never complains, said Edel.
However, she often says: “I wish I could run,” or “I wish I didn’t have to wear a splint,” she always just carries on and knows what helps her isn’t always easy.
“She is so strong and independent that she tries her best at everything,” said Edel. “Sophie is what will get us all through this journey as her smile just brightens the darkest of days.”
If you would like to help Sophie’s wish come true, you can donate to her campaign through the following link: www.gofundme.com/f/