Windows Terminal v0.9 adds command line arguments, auto-detect PowerShell, and more
by Steven Parker
This month's preview build of Windows Terminal is out now, and Microsoft has posted a changelog to go along with the new release. The update is available on GitHub and through the Microsoft Store, and it brings Terminal to version 0.9.
As usual, the update brings a few new features and improvements, which are listed in full below. Microsoft has also announced that 0.9 is the final version that will see new features ahead of the 1.0 release.

Command Line Arguments
The wt execution alias now supports command line arguments! You can now launch Terminal with new tabs and panes split just how you like, with the profiles you like, starting in the directories you like! The possibilities are endless! Here are some examples: wt -d .
Opens the Terminal with the default profile in the current working directory. wt -d . ; new-tab -d C:\ pwsh.exe
Opens the Terminal with two tabs. The first is running the default profile starting in the current working directory. The second is using the default profile with pwsh.exe as the "commandline" (instead of the default profile’s "commandline") starting in the C:\ directory. wt -p "Windows PowerShell" -d . ; split-pane -V wsl.exe
Opens the Terminal with two panes, split vertically. The top pane is running the profile with the name “Windows Terminal” and the bottom pane is running the default profile using wsl.exe as the "commandline" (instead of the default profile’s "commandline"). wt -d C:\Users\cinnamon\GitHub\WindowsTerminal ; split-pane -p "Command Prompt" ; split-pane -p "Ubuntu" -d \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\cinnak -H
See below. 😊
Auto-Detect PowerShell
If you’re a big fan of PowerShell Core, we have great news for you. The Windows Terminal will now detect any version of PowerShell and automatically create a profile for you. The PowerShell version we think looks best (starting from highest version number, to the most GA version, to the best-packaged version) will be named as “PowerShell” and will take the original PowerShell Core slot in the dropdown.
Confirm Close All Tabs
Are you someone who always wants to close all of your tabs without being asked every time? If you said yes, this new feature is for you! A new global setting has been created that allows you to always hide the “Close All Tabs” confirmation dialog. You can set "confirmCloseAllTabs" to true at the top of your profiles.json file and you’ll never see that popup again! Thanks to @rstat1 for the contribution of this new setting. 😊 Other Improvements
Accessibility: You can now navigate word-by-word using Narrator or NVDA!
You can now drag and drop a file into the Terminal and the file path will be printed!
Ctrl+Ins and Shift+Ins are bound by default to copy and paste respectively!
You can now hold Shift and click to expand your selection!
VS Code keys used for key bindings are now supported (i.e. "pgdn" and "pagedown" are both valid)!
As is to be expected, the release also comes with a few bugs fixes, which are listed below.
Bug Fixes
- Accessibility: Terminal won’t crash when Narrator is running!
- Terminal won’t crash when you provide an invalid background image or icon path!
- Our popup dialogs all now have rounded buttons!
- The search box now works properly in high contrast!
- Some ligatures will render more correctly!
If you'd like to download the latest version of Windows Terminal, you can get it from GitHub or the Microsoft Store, and the latter will update your app automatically if you've already installed it. As always, the GitHub page also lets users contribute to the development of Windows Terminal.