Mum who lets kids make rules and not go to school insists she's not a 'lazy parent'
Nic Bescoby lets her children eat what they want and go to bed when they feel like it follows 'gentle parenting' methods based on respect
by Irishmirror.ieGood Morning Britain viewers have slammed a mum who lets her kids make their own rules.
Nic Bescoby has scrapped tradition and follows 'gentle parenting' methods based on respect, which she believes leads to a happier home.
The blogger lets her three children eat what they want and go to bed when they feel like it and decide what they learn.
Nic, who was joined in the studio by George, 8, and Ellie, 7, revealed they went to bed at midnight last night before their early GMB appearance.
She said: "We realised we value freedom and the children do to. The more control we give them over their lives the happier they are."

When Ben Shephard asked for a response to claims she is a 'lazy' parent, Nic said: "It's a lot of work. Laziness is wrong. I work from home. I'm doing a university course. It's constantly answering and researching questions the kids are asking.
"The lazier option would be saying 'you have to do what I say'.
"It does take a lot of work. It's mutual repsect. Sometimes I have to put my needs first. It's taken a lot of work to get where we are today. It's taken a lot of effort to install those values in them."

Nic admitted they "live in a bubble" but do have friends outside of the home education community.
Kate Garraway asked where the line was drawn and said it could be a "recipe for chaos".
Nic replied: "It's not about saying yes you can have all the things you want. Rather than getting into a battle of wills with them it's letting them come to the conclusion themselves."

GMB viewers took to Twitter after hearing Nic discuss her 'gentle parenting'.
One viewer said: "Gentle parenting ?? = lazy cant be arsed parenting !!"
"Omg #gmb she is talking rubbish!!! #lazyparenting," added another.
A third said: "Children need structure and boundaries and rules to develop and prepare themselves for adult life. She’s setting them up to fail.
"@GMB where’s @piersmorgan when you need him he’d have none of this women’s nonsense," said a fourth.
*Good Morning Britain airs weekdays on ITV at 6am