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European Pain Federation: The year for the Prevention of Pain


The European Pain Federation has announced that the theme to this years European Year Against Pain event will be the Prevention of Pain

Since 2012, both the European Pain Federation EFIC and the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) have created awareness of pain through the European/Global Year Against Pain campaign by providing briefing packs and factsheets on the designated theme.

This year, the Prevention of Pain campaign will look at primary, secondary and tertiary forms of pain prevention.

EFIC On the Move campaign

To tie into this years theme the existing On the Move campaign, launched in 2017, will run alongside it. This campaign focuses on the importance of physical activity in preventing primary and secondary pain.

Previous themes

Pain in the Most Vulnerable (2019) looked at:

Excellence in Pain Education (2018) focussed on the following key areas:

Pain after surgery (2017) strived to:

Pain in the joints (2016) addressed concerns by:

Neuropathic Pain (2014-2015)

Orofacial Pain (2013-2014)

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders

EU OSHA, the EU agency for health safety at work, will also launch a Campaign running from 2020 to 2022 on the prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).


The next event to be held as part of the Prevention of Pain campaign will be the Hands-on USG Interventional Pain Live Scanning & Cadaveric Workshop running from the 13th – 15th March at that Advanced Skills Centre, Bangalore, India.