New £1.4m council house development completed in Stanley
The supply of council housing in Perth and Kinross has been boosted with the completion of a new £1.4million development in Stanley.
by Anita DiouriTen properties have been constructed at Clunie Way in a partnership with Muir Homes.
Housing and communities convener Bob Brawn said the scheme would help to breathe new life into the village.
The Conservative councillor said: “Housing for affordable rent is at a premium in rural communities like Stanley so it’s fantastic to see the completion of this quality accommodation.
“These properties will bring added vibrancy to the village and enhance the lives of all the tenants who live in them.”
The scheme was funded by the council with support from the Scottish Government.
The committee’s vice-convener, Conservative councillor Chris Ahern said: “Our tenants consistently tell us that delivering new homes is a high priority for them.
“Using some of the rent money our tenants pay to expand our stock by building new homes for new tenants is the perfect illustration of how social housing works for people.”
It is the second phase of new council homes at Clunie Way. The first 10 houses were completed in May of 2018.
Four three-bedroom houses and six two-bedroom houses have been built, with dopuble glazed doors and windows and solar PV roof panels to help reduce tenants’ energy bills, as well as the carbon footprint of the development.
Tenant Veronica Robb said: “I love my new house.
“I’m really thrilled to be living in this new development.”