Kobe Bryant And Daughter Gianna Buried During Private Ceremony, Death Certificate Reveals Cause Of Deaths
by Sharon ChirisaKobe Bryant Buried Together With Daughter Gianna In Private Ceremony

The late basketball icon Kobe Bryant and his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, were buried on Friday the 7th of February 2020 in a private ceremony near the family’s home , in Southern California according to their death certificates.
According to the certificates, the Bryants died of blunt trauma due to their helicopter crashing .
According to reports father and daughter were buried at Pacific View Memorial Park in Corona del Mar.
There will be a public memorial for Kobe, Gianna and the other victims on the 24th of February at Staples Center, where Bryant featured for most of his 20-year career with the Los Angeles Lakers.
The date 24/2/20 has a symbolic meaning to it.
According to Kobe’s widow Vanessa Bryant, the date 24 is for Kobe’s number 24 jersey which he wore for the LA Lakers, 2 for the number 2 jersey worn by Gianna, whose team was coached by Kobe and 20 for the number of years that Vanessa and Kobe were married.
During a public memorial on Monday, several thousand people mourned three of the other victims, Orange Coast College baseball coach John Altobelli, his wife, Keri, and their daughter Alyssa, Gianna’s teammate.
The other victims were Christina Mauser who was Kobe’s assistant coach and Sarah Chester and her daughter Payton, who was also one of Gianna’s teammates.
In an Instagram post earlier, Vanessa poured out her her grief over the death of her husband and daughter.
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