Govt STOPS Printing Ordinary Passports, FOCUSES On Emergency And Diaspora Passports
by Timothy NdoroGovt Stops Printing Ordinary Passports

The government has revealed that is has stopped printing ordinary passports because they are not feasible economically at the moment. Instead, the Registrar’s Office is only printing urgent passports and passports for people in the diaspora who can pay for the valuable documents using foreign currency.
iHarare has established from online publication New Zimbabwe, that this bombshell was revealed on Thursday by the Registrar General Clemence Masango himself. Masango revealed the information to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Defence, Home Affairs and Security Services who were on tour of the Makombe Building in the capital.
Masango told the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee,

The registrar general also expressed his frustration with the current pricing being used for ordinary passports saying that it is woefully inadequate. He did, however, say that when the government has purchased all materials for printing passports, they would let the public know.
Masango said that those individuals who had applied for ordinary passports in the past, need to top up with a further $200 to ensure that their passports are upgraded to urgent status and printed.
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