Drool Over These New Flight Simulator Screenshots
by Peter Donnell
It’s no secret that just about every release of Microsoft’s Flight Simulator has been nothing short of amazing, relatively speaking to each generation that is. However, it seems despite still being in the alpha stage, the new one puts just about anything to shame when it comes to amazing visuals.
Microsoft sent out their alpha invitations to a few people this week, meaning new images and footage has begun streaming out into the wider world. Honestly, I’ve never been so excited for a game that doesn’t even have guns or orcs in it.

The game uses a stunningly created world, using AI to add life and detail to the environments. The game is freaking enormous too, having to stream in the details for the area you’re in due to the whole world needing around 2 Petabytes of data, ha!
Throw in some real-time ray tracing, which is not actually confirmed yet, but heavily rumoured, ultra-high quality and simulated aircraft, and you’re well on your way.

The game hasn’t been given a firm release date yet either, but it looks like it’s making great progress and I suspect this year will see a formal release.

For now, however, enjoy the rest of these stunning pictures and let us know what you think of them in the comments below!

Need more? Check out the flight simulator trailer here.