We all need to be smarter when it comes to identifying racism
by Edward AdooFor many people who are news obsessives, Alastair Stewart was Mr ITN. He was the longest serving newsreader in the UK, having been in front of the camera for over 40 years.
As a child in the 80s, I grew up watching him anchor all the main ITN bulletins and presenting News At Ten alongside my broadcasting hero, Sir Trevor McDonald. They both demonstrated the art of authentic newscasting that connected with viewers.
I’m now a fellow broadcaster and have been deeply upset by the recent events concerning Stewart’s departure from ITN, in which he tweeted a quote from Shakespeare’s play Measure For Measure including a reference to ‘an angry ape’. An ITN source has since said that several other incidents contributed to Stewart’s resignation but have yet to elaborate on what they are.
I believe Stewart used the quote in a theoretical manner – nothing else.
Many have said it was racist because it was tweeted to a black man but Stewart used the same text when tweeting previously to a guy who was white. He has championed diversity through his work with Ebony Horse Club in Brixton. In my opinion, Stewart is far from a racist.
I remember writing to him back in 1994 when he was anchorman of London Tonight. My late headmaster, Philip Lawrence, had given me the opportunity to set up a school radio service at St George’s school in Maida Vale. I invited Stewart to the launch; he was unable to attend but he replied and was very supportive. When I met him a couple of years later, he remembered the letter and was very humble.
Stewart comes from an era that wasn’t troubled by trends or what people had to say online. I have followed his tweets for a number of years and been intrigued by his knowledge and references to various books and authors. Anyone who adores quoting Shakespeare should be commended for their love of classic literature.

This incident has questioned the credibility of claims of racism when they are called out on open platforms such as social media, as well as reigniting the debate on how we deal with accusations and victimisation connected to race hate topics.
The Shakespeare quote is not racist in itself, but if it’s shared in a public space, should the person posting be liable for its use? I don’t think so – it would jeopardise any writer or public speaker using quotes to justify their argument.
I don’t believe ‘the race card’ was used legitimately in this case, either. Stewart was the victim: he merely put his view across and was subsequently branded as the aggressor and a racist. His reputation and career have now been tarnished as a result but because this is something we are afraid to discuss, we tend to shrug it aside.
Of course, we need to stop being scared of calling out racism (the coverage of Meghan Markle outlines our fear and failure to do this), just as we need to stand up and call out political correctness gone mad.
There also needs to be more education and common sense applied when identifying what’s racist and what’s not. Being insulted with slurs and tropes, prejudice that prevents progress in a work environment, being excluded from dating someone due to ethnicity and skin colour – these are some of the types of racism I have experienced, and they are tough to accept.
I sincerely hope Stewart will be able to return to our TV screens soon. He has served the nation, he is respected and adored, and I would hate for one Shakespearean quote to dent his career.
He should reconsider his decision and return to his spiritual home. ITV News will not be the same without him.