A fun fact is that today is your Stereogum staff’s last day as employees of our parent company, and an administrative hiccup resulted in all our email accounts being briefly deactivated this afternoon. Fun. It’s all fixed now, though. The Man can’t keep us from reading email. Got to keep on movin’.
Hope you enjoyed Destroyer Season and that you’ll save some of your jokes for our obligatory Super Bowl Halftime Show post. See ya then!
Stereogumcaption this video of #MachineGunKelly playing new music for his label
We might *assume* they’re already voting for him, but many of them are just not voting. The point with this particular event is raising the young adult voter turnout rate, not necessarily converting Trump voters.
The best Beach House album (out of many great Beach House albums) and probably the *single greatest* “sitting on your couch and looking out the window as it snows” album of all time.
Nope. So much wrong here. For a start, Rihanna didn’t cover ‘Less I Know’.
The writing and production displayed on these new tracks and Currents is leagues ahead of the first two records. Lonerism has a few good tracks and then a bunch of tracks that display a lack of maturity. The first record is mostly just stoned waffle.
This whole ‘where’s muh guitars’ crowd that can’t handle modern TI are tiresome. He HAS progressed, that’s why you don’t like it. The new stuff is kinda yacht rock/70s smooth sophisti-pop, which I’ll take any day over juvenile stoner psych.
I grew up in the ’60s and ’70s. Those were the days when rockers, hippies, and punks would shake up the establishment with their music. Now those people are the establishment and scared shitless of an 18-year-old girl. Hysterical. I love Billie Eilish!!!