Destiny 2 Xur location and items, Jan. 31-Feb. 3
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by Ryan GilliamIf you played Destiny, you may be familiar with Xur, the weekly Exotic item merchant. In Destiny 2, he’s back, and he now appears all over the map. This week, you can find Xur on Io, to the east of the Giant’s Scar landing zone. He’s taking shelter in a small cave.
Xur’s inventory this week consists of the following:
- Fighting Lion, grenade launcher: 29 Legendary Shards
- Lucky Pants, Hunter legs: 23 Legendary Shards
- Peregrine Greaves, Titan legs: 23 Legendary Shards
- Starfire Protocol, Warlock chest: 23 Legendary Shards
- Exotic Engram: 97 Legendary Shards
- Invitation quest: 9 Legendary Shards
Xur’s inventory caps out at 941 if you’re 960.
Fighting Lion
The Fighting Lion is an Exotic tube-fed grande launcher. Its primary perk, Delayed Gratification, causes its projectiles to bounce and only explode after you release the trigger. Its secondary perk is Thin the Herd, which increases damage done to the enemy shield. This grenade launcher also uses primary ammo.
The Fighting Lion is a gimmick weapon, but that doesn’t mean it’s useless. If you’re working on any quest that requires grenade launcher kills, the Fighting Lion is perfect — since it rarely runs out of ammo. It takes a lot of time to get used to the Fighting Lion, but it’s a powerful tool in rare situations.
Lucky Pants
Lucky Pants are fairly worthless in most situations. They’re also one of the exotics that Sloane offers you during the campaign. Their exotic perk, Illegally Modded Holster, allows you to ready hand cannons very quickly as well as increase accuracy for your first shot. Additionally, precision hits partially reload any stowed hand cannons. If you absolutely must use hand cannons in both your energy and kinetic slot, these pants are for you. Otherwise, skip Lucky Pants.
Xur’s roll this week is Void, and comes with 48 total stats.
Peregrine Greaves
Peregrine Greaves is a great Exotic for Titans who love to smash their knees into enemies at full speed. Its Exotic perk is Peregrine Strike, which causes all shoulder charge abilities to deal bonus damage if activated mid-air. The bonus damage from Peregrine Strike is no joke, and can take down Major enemies pretty easily. This is a great Titan Exotic that’s also really fun to use. If you ever play Titan, pick this up.
Xur’s roll this week is Arc, and comes with 52 total stats.
Starfire Protocol
Starfire Protocol will rarely be a worthwhile exotic. Its perk is Fusion Harness, which grants you an extra charge of fusion grenades and causes fusion grenade kills to grant you Rift energy. The fusion grenades are fairly sub par in Destiny 2, which makes this perk mostly useless. It also requires you to use Dawnblade, which is the least useful of the Warlock specs. If you already love being a Dawnblade and using fusion grenades, then you should absolutely pick this up. If you don’t often use either, skip it.
Xur’s roll this week is Void, and comes with 49 total stats.
If you haven’t completed the Invitation quest yet, Xur is still offering it for nine Legendary Shards.