How China is using drones to keep citizens safe from Coronavirus attack
by Ajibola AMZATAdvertisement

IN inner Mongolia, an autonomous region of northern China, an old lady was brought to a stop by a loud voice as she wandered the street. She looked left and right to know where the voice was coming from. Then, she looked up. The voice speaking to her was coming from the sky. It was no human voice. The voice was from a drone.
“Yes, auntie, this is the drone speaking to you.”
Before she could make anything out of the perplexing situation, the drone continues speaking: “ You shouldn’t walk about without wearing a mask. Yes, you’d better go home and don’t forget to wash your hand.”
Without waiting any further, the old lady got the message and began to hurry home.
In the last few days, drones equipped with speakers have been patrolling towns and cities
to warn people about coronavirus and the need for the citizens to protect themselves, according to reports by local media.

Global Times captured some of these drones at work in a 1:44-minute length video.
Similarly, Mail Online reported about how the drones are being used to spray disinfectant in villages and cities hit by coronavirus.
Some of the places being disinfected include the coastal provinces of Jilin, Shandong and Zhejiang.
The report shows that villagers are offering personal drones to sanitise the villages, as this proves faster than using lorries.
Crop protection officer Qin Chunhong, from the village of Longfu, Sichuan, reportedly disinfected his village on January 30 using his own drone, Mail Online reported.
‘Drones can cover a much wider area and achieve very good disease prevention results, he said.
Also, the police have released their drones to spray disinfectant areas in China’s south-western Sichuan Province.
Not fewer than 213 people with the virus are already dead, according to authorities, and more than 9,800 have been infected in at least 24 countries and regions.
No cure has yet been found for the virus but people can reduce their risk of infection by keeping their hands clean.