Hill walking
Nenagh Walking Club to try new Silvermines route
by Tipperary Star reporterNenagh Walking Club’s next Sunday walk will take place on February 9, a new walk for the club around the Silvermines hills taking in Lahid through grass, woods, steep hills and streams.
It is a B+ walk. Departing Kenyon Street car park at 10am and at Step at 10.20am; contact Cyril, 086-3721862.
On Saturday, February 8, there will be a hike around the 12 O'Clock Hills, County Clare. Gravel track and woodland trails, a B walk, departing Tesco at 9.30am and Birdhill at 10am.; conact Donal M, 087-2761442.
Walking continues every Tuesday night meeting at Tesco at 7.30pm for a 9km walk around Nenagh by-pass. Further information from Martin, 087-2562454, or Mary, 087-2265926.
The club is celebrating 20 years in existence this year and numerous events have been planned which are open to members and non-members. Watch local press and nenaghwalk.ie for further details.