Thieves target non profit


For decades Venture Training has been assisting people with a variety of developmental challenges, so the loss of $800 is a huge blow to the non-profit group.

On Wednesday night, someone broke into Cycle Cycle, a branch of Venture Training, and stole money as well as damaging a door that must be repaired.

“It sets us back a lot in the program,” said Ryan Cucheron, Venture Training executive director.

“All the money we make goes back into the program, so $800 is a substantial amount of money.”
And this is hardly the first time thieves have targeted the facility that sits on a hillside at the intersection of Old Kamloops Road and 43rd Avenue.

“We are constantly having problems on our site. We've had people stealing gas from vehicles and break in attempts a few times a year,” said Cucheron, adding security does patrol the facility, but that is another expense that takes away from benefitting Venture's clients.

“It's frustrating for sure, but we have just become kind of used to it,” he said.

Cycle Cycle has long been on the radar of thieves, due to the value of bike parts.

The program used to store bike parts behind the main building, but daily break ins forced them to store the parts and old bikes indoors.